Komondor dog
Komondor dog
The Komondor is a breed of dog that originated in Hungary, where they were historically trained to herd, helping to protect the herds, lands...
How to Train a puppy to walk on leash for the FIRST TIME
dog training tips and tricks Walking the puppy on a leash for the first time What unites a person most with his dog and vice versa is daily...
Dog training tips Dog training is a simple task when you know how to do it and when you are not trying to rush things. However, training a ...
Tips for getting your dog used to the travel crate Getting your dog to feel comfortable in a travel crate is one of the most important thin...
How to train your dog to lie down Teaching your dog to lie down under command will help him develop self-control and will be very useful in...
How to Teach Your Dog to Play Dead Teaching your dog new tricks and skills can be a great exercise not only to strengthen your bonds but ...
Alaskan Malamute The Alaskan Malamute, native to the North Pole, is one of the longest-lived breeds in the history of sleds. His imposing an...
Spanish Mastiff The Mastiff dog is present in most rural environments in the Spanish state for several centuries, we find a historical bre...