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الرئيسية Can dogs eat blueberries

Can dogs eat blueberries

Blueberries are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and other antioxidant compounds. Dogs can benefit from its flavor and can also benefit from its nutritional contribution, as it does not contain any compound that is toxic to their body. However, when this fruit is included in a dog's diet, it is important to take into account a series of considerations to avoid any undesirable effects.

Blueberries are a low-calorie berry that is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and other antioxidant compounds, in addition to the fact that it does not contain any substance that is toxic to the body of dogs, which makes it a suitable fruit for dogs. However, like all dog-friendly fruits, berries should be served in moderation. In the diet as a prize or reward a great strategy for dogs to take advantage of its flavor and nutritional value, if you want to know more about the benefits of grapes for dogs, their importance, food, and supplements feel free to see this article .

What are the benefits of blueberries for dogs

Including blueberries in a dog's diet has a series of benefits that we will explain in detail below.

Because it is a low-calorie fruit, it contains moderate levels of carbohydrates and low levels of protein and fat. This means that it can be offered as a low-calorie treat for obese or overweight dogs that require low-energy diets.

Blueberries are a good source of fiber, which is an essential nutrient in a dog's diet in particular, and speaking of fiber, it is responsible for weight gain in skinny dogs so it is okay to add portions to food, create a feeling of satiety, speed up digestion, and promote the maintenance of Beneficial gut microbes For this purpose, it is important to maintain 2-5% levels of fiber in dog food.

Also, the fruits of blueberries contain a high percentage of vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin E, vitamin A, which maintains the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, vision, reproduction, and the urinary system. e) A powerful antioxidant that is also involved in lipid metabolism. 

Blueberries are rich in manganese, which is an essential component for the proper functioning of the brain and the production of thyroid hormones. Blueberries are among the foods with the most antioxidants due to the combined effect of vitamins, minerals, and fifteen anthocyanins, including delphinidin, motilin, malvidin, and pentosidine, which protect this antioxidant prevents cell damage caused by free radicals and thus slows the progression of cardiovascular diseases, tumors, and neurodegenerative diseases.

 It also contains hippuric acid and proanthocyanidin, which prevent the development of urinary tract infections by reducing the ability of E. coli to stick to the urine of the bladder.

How many blueberries can I give to my dog

In the beginning, we must think about how much and how often we can give berries to your dog, and this depends mainly on the size and age of the dog in this sense, we can offer small dogs 3 or 4 blueberries and large dogs of 9 or 8, and to repeat, we must know Blueberries should be offered in moderation like other fruits suitable for dogs, and the best option is to include them in the diet from time to time as a kind of reward for us. dog.

It is best to serve fresh blueberries, as frozen berries can pose a choking hazard, especially in small dogs. Of course, these fruits should not be served in the form of jam or preserves because they are preparations that contain a high percentage of sugar and these products may contain toxic substances to dogs such as xylitol. 

On the other hand, before serving blueberries to your dog, it is necessary to wash them with a large amount of water to remove potential contaminants or pesticides from their surface in the case of collecting the fruits yourself and always try to choose those fruits that are far from sources of pollution such as roads or highways.

Can dogs eat blueberries every day

Contraindications to the use of blueberries for dogs

Although blueberries are a fruit that we can include in our dog's diet, there are some situations in which it may not be recommended to add them to a dog's diet.

Although blueberries are a fruit that we can include in our dog's diet, there are some situations in which it may not be recommended to add them to a dog's diet.

Best Regards Dog 57

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