The Afghan Hound breed is an ancient breed of a hunting dog with long hair, and this breed is characterized by a calm and peaceful character.
.History of the Afghan Hound Breed
This breed originated in the countries of Central Asia. The ancestors of Afghan hounds were among the most skilled hunters and shepherds, and this breed has now lost its skills at work and turned into decorative pets treated with pampering and care in the palaces of the aristocratic classes, and this is what made the skilled hunter a domestic cat.
Taking care of the dog’s coat is difficult and requires special skills in caring for this coat or large financial costs if it is entrusted to professionals, compared to other hunting breeds, the Afghan hound breed is difficult to train because they have a great deal of stubbornness and a constant desire for independence and this prevents them from reaching a point Professionalism.
Afghan Hounds are affectionate and playful creatures in everyday life, but their egos are easy to offend and in addition, they quickly become attached to their owner and become jealous of other pets.
Afghan hounds are excellent runners and can cover vast distances in minutes so tracking is their forte. In the homeland of Afghan hounds in Central Asia, they are called Tazi which translates to fast-moving.
The birthplace of the official Afghan Hound breed is Afghanistan, where it first came to England and then to the rest of the European continent.
It is not entirely known how the ancestors of Afghan hounds got into Central Asia, but experts are inclined to believe that the animals were brought to.
It came from nomadic groups.
The researchers also point out that the old name for the breed is tazzie.
Afghan hounds are also attributed to the Salukis breeds, one of the oldest breeds that settled in the lands of the Middle East since several thousand years BC, and there is an opinion that the Salukis are responsible for dividing the Salukis breeds into two main types, steppe - short-haired Relatively, the shaggy mountain.
Is an Afghan Hound a good family dog?
Is an Afghan Hound The Afghan Hound has two completely different personalities, meaning that when he is a puppy he is always ready to play, cuddle and jump any time of the day or night, but when he grows up he will feel completely changed and he will feel that he is unable to do such things and you will notice Also, it needs a portion of the owner's attention and affection, but only when the dog wants it and not when it comes to the owner.
In general, the Afghan hound's personality is similar to that of cats. They are gentle and sociable, but they will not allow anyone to manage their lives. However, each Afghan hound has its unique personality and it is very difficult to place all the breeds under the same characteristics.
There are some facts that we must know, including that, Afghan hounds are not stupid at all and are also characterized by being quick to learn and accept new materials, do not forget that the Afghan hound is a breed that was created not to follow orders, but to lead because it is the nature of hounds in general And you don't find any of the ancestors of today's dogs asking permission from the shepherd before attacking the beast.
How do you take care of an Afghan Hound?
The issue of taking care of Afghan hounds is still the number one issue that tops the list
Breeders of this type of dog where several conditions must be met in their care, the most important of which is the ideal housing for Afghan hounds, so we find that half of the breeders do not take into account the ideal housing conditions, placing Afghan hounds in narrow spaces such as residential apartments is one of the things that must be avoided It should be noted here that the comfort of pets living in residential apartments depends to a large extent on their temperament and the way they are raised from puppies, and from here we conclude that some greyhounds can be fine with no free spaces, provided that the adoption of A program to walk well.
The Afghan Hound is an unpretentious hound that may require almost no maintenance, but with its new look which is a current decorative feature the owners had more work to do and remember that Afghan Hounds do not take care of themselves on their own, they need help in combing Comb dead hair and pluck the undercoat.
In addition, the Afghan Hound's naturally greasy hair tends to get tangled up, so if you don't take care of regular combing, the animal quickly turns into an untidy creature.
Afghan Hound's hair is combed in layers starting from the bottom and after pre-moistening, because dry hair is very brittle, and be sure to make tufts of wool between the paws which often fall out.
By the way, Afghan Hounds are sensitive and don't like to be touched, so the faster It was easier for you and the Afghan Hound's tail also needs styling and creativity in the way it is combed so that the hair hangs vertically and straight.
When Afghan Hound puppies reach the first year, the puppy’s coat grows intensively and practically does not fall out, so the usual combing with a natural bristle brush once every day or two is sufficient, and it must be taken into account not to frequently bathe the Afghan Hound because it is not good for them, so a day is sufficient One of several months' baths for a normal Afghan Hound.
The Afghan Hound is washed with diluted veterinary shampoo, after which a moisturizer is applied to the outer shell, wiped with a towel, and dried with a hairdryer. The ears are washed separately, alternately lowering them into a bowl of warm soapy water so that they do not reach moisture into the ear canal.
The Afghan hound breed, like any hunting breed, needs daily physical relaxation in the sense of good jogging, and it is better that jogging is not as easy as jogging in the yards, for example, but it should be a complete exercise for at least two hours with a game of catching up with running, exercises and communication with other types of dogs It is best to communicate with the same breed if possible.
Always be vigilant when taking your Afghan Hound out of the car or into the street or parks because they like to chase cars and small animals so don't lose sight of them too much.
Where he can't escape from you until you can control him, and by the way Afghan hounds are very nervous so make sure that the fence behind which the dog is training is of appropriate height because he will jump over low fences at any time, and also consider the physiological characteristics For the breed as Afghan Hounds usually get along with the humid autumn weather but suffer from heat and accordingly in the heat of summer it is best to walk too early morning and late evening.
The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a difficult period for owners of Afghan hounds specifically for show races, as this is the season for the ripening of burdock seeds and other thistles, which are mainly collected in the soft coat of the Afghan hound.
If you do not want to spend your free time extracting Litter from the dog's coat, it is better for you to refuse trips to the autumn forest or as another option take an Afghan hound in the car and put a safe path for it.
How much should I feed my Afghan Hound puppy?
Although Afghan hounds are very selective in food and have a certain type of diet, the standard rate for hounds of 20% animal protein is suitable for them, and the main types of meat in the dog food menu are beef, lamb and chicken. Afghan hounds also suck on waste.
Like the heart, the liver is no less active, but since they contain almost fat, it is not recommended to go for it completely and Afghan hounds will not refuse chicken broth with rice, boiled fish fillets, low-fat cheese and boiled eggs, so periodically pamper them with these delicious treats.
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