Basset Hound
With their long ears, short legs, and drooping eyes, hounds are often portrayed in films and television as a comical and lazy breed. While this picture may be true in some ways, you need a lot of information about these puppies before you can decide if a Bassett is a right dog for you. Here's a look at five things you need to know about owning a hunting dog.
1. They are relaxed, but not always
Lazy people have a well-deserved reputation for being very easy-going, but you shouldn't assume that owning one won't involve any work. Basset Hounds were originally bred to be hunting dogs, and most of them love to go for long walks. Your dog is likely to get depressed if you don't make exercise a major priority, and obesity is a major problem among Basques who don't walk much. On the flip side, Bassets are usually very lazy at home. They tend to love lying on the couch or being petted by a new friend.
2. You must have a sense of humor
Unlike working dogs who are primarily focused on the task at hand, Basset Hounds tend to be somewhat of a "clown" and you will need a sense of humor to get the most out of owning one. This tendency towards being a footballer often arises at the most inopportune moment, such as when you are in a hurry, so you have to be ready to punch through. Your dog is also likely to be very stubborn, so you'll have more luck with your Bassett if you can see the humor in "not funny" situations.
3. Basset drools all the time
Next time you see a person walking a hunting dog on the street, write down the shape of their face and ears. You will notice that the Basset is always covered in saliva. Because their skin is so droopy, these dogs tend to shed all over their bodies most of the time. If you have been turned off by an unkempt dog, the Bassett likely isn't for you.
4.Very vocal hounds in general have a reputation for hitting, and Bassets are no different. Be prepared for your dog to go out a lot - sometimes for no apparent reason. If you live in an apartment with neighbors who are likely to complain, you will likely have trouble owning a plot of land. On the other hand, if you enjoy "talking" with your dog, the Basset Hound might be the perfect breed.
5. You will need to take care of the skin, ears, and legs.
All dogs are prone to some health problems due to their shape and size. For pets, the most common problem spots include the skin, ears, and legs. You should plan to clean the ears at least weekly so that they do not become infected. Likewise, bacteria can get trapped in the folds of the skin, so you will need to bathe you're Basque relatively often and always dry your dog well with a towel after a walk in the rain or snow. Your dog's legs are likely to become trouble spots as your dog gets older (after all, a Basset has a lot of weight to support his short ankles), but you can help your dog by doing your best to prevent obesity.
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