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الرئيسية American Akita

American Akita

 The American Akita is a relatively small breed. Big with risky behavior. Those who find a way to deal with it will become true friends. In the Dog57 breed registry, we'll show you what an American Akita looks like, talk about his origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as his training and the most common illnesses he usually suffers from. American Akita below. Read. 

What are American Akita like?

Breed name: American Akita

Country of Origin: Japan, USA

The birth time of the breed: 1955 years

Weight: 32-59 kg

Height (height at withers): Male 65-70cm, 60-65cm

Age: 10-14 years old

Excellent guarding qualities are the hallmark of the American Akita. With this reliable safety, you can feel calm and secure.

By staying loyal to the host and acknowledging his leadership, the Akita may try to control it. Attacks of "arrogance" often occur during puberty.

With proper upbringing, a representative of this breed can be "molded" not only as an excellent companion but also as a hunter, guide, or guard.

The American Akita has a very stable psyche. They only show aggression if there is danger.

Breed training is not an easy task. The dog is very intelligent and undoubtedly obeys the owner only if he is considered the undisputed leader.

The American Akita is courteous and easily tolerates eye contact. However, if you look into her eyes, it is not recommended to bend down: she may see this as aggression towards herself.

The breed does not tolerate long separation from the owner. Loneliness can provoke behavioral problems within her and become a source of severe stress.

Despite her open and sociable nature, Akita is cold enough with strangers to decide for herself whether it is possible to trust this or that person. 

Are American Akita good family dogs? 

The American Akita is a beauty with plush hair and a distinctive dark mask. The breed combines courage, aggression, and friendliness. Dogs have excellent hunting qualities and protect the owner's home, fearlessly defending their inhabitants in the event of a threat. At the same time, the American Akita is calm and tolerant but subject to proper training. The Akita is also child-friendly, but you should not count on it as a breeder: being a representative of a large breed, is potentially dangerous. 


History of the American Akita


The ancestors of the American Akita are the Japanese Akita Inu, which was originally used for hunting and conservation purposes. A few centuries ago, they were called differently: Matagi-Akita. Later it began to be used in dog fights, which became especially popular at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In pursuit of financial gain, the owners sought to "improve" their dogs, to make them bigger and stronger. For this purpose, they were crossed with breeds brought to the islands such as mastiffs and shepherds.

However, as a result of these manipulations, the classic features of the breed began to be lubricated, deteriorated, or even completely lost. The damage caused by Matagi-Akita was observed at a dog exhibition, which was held in Tokyo in 1914. Soon, pure representatives of the breed were declared as natural ones, and their crossing with representatives of other species took place under a categorical ban. The breeders added the work: they did everything in their power to return the Matagi-Akita to its original characteristics.

No sooner had these wonderful dogs, which became an object of national pride for the Japanese, recovered from the blow inflicted on the breed by irrepressible human greed, until World War II broke out. On the instructions of the government, all breeders handed over their pets to the needs of the front. The end of the war, as you know, was put through by the surrender of Japan in 1945. Returning to their homeland, the US Army decided to take with them some of the puppies they loved. After a few years, they became the ancestors of a new breed. The classic Akita Inu survived on the Japanese islands after the war with no more than 20 individuals.


At the same time, abroad, the breed began to gain wide recognition and developed at a rapid pace. At first, it was called a great Japanese. But in the United States, work on the breed with the Japanese was not simultaneous - it went parallel and, as they say, in its way. Japanese breeders tried to negotiate with their American colleagues regarding their common pedigree but to no avail. They did not even allow the export of declared dogs to the United States as the declared natural attractions of the islands. All these measures did not stop the Americans. As a result, over time, the Akita abroad began to differ from the Japanese both in appearance and character. Then she received a new name - American Akita.

In 1956, the newly formed Breed Club was created, which the American Kennel Club recognized only in 1972. In Japan, the "breed war" continued until 1992: for two decades, dog clubs in both countries did not recognize each other - only the Japanese Akita Inu is registered with the International Federation of Sinology (FCI). The official separation of the breeds only occurred in 2000, when the FCI approved the Akita overseas standard. 

Features of the American Akita

The American Akita is an excellent hunter. If this quality inherent in nature is suppressed in, it will still manifest itself in one way or another, and not from the most pleasant side of the owner. For example, your walking pet will start rushing towards the small dogs or "bullying" a cat you live with in the same house.

The American Akita is also called a single owner. It is very difficult to tolerate a change of ownership and often for the rest of her life she cannot adapt to being elsewhere. A classic example is the famous Hachiko, a descendant of the Akita Inu, who in 1932 gained fame throughout Japan after the article was published in one of the largest Tokyo newspapers. A loyal old man awaits the return of his master, who died seven years earlier. Based on this story, which touched the hearts of millions of people around the world, in 2009 a film was made with Richard Gere in the title role.

As you can see, the American Akita inherited from its Japanese brethren this quality - loyalty. It will be especially difficult to find common ground with an adult for those new owners who have not previously had experience with large mollusks.

The emergence of the dynasty

The American Akita is very large. In each of her movements, strength and strength are read. Gradually, the hunting skills of these dogs became a thing of the past, largely due to their large size, which prevents the overseas "Japanese" from remaining fast and mobile hunters.

Due to the special features of appearance, that is, the amazing color and perfection of the stripes, the American Akita has long been “registered” at dog shows in various countries of the world, including Russia. Representatives of the breed often lead the best of the fifth group, winning full competitions.

general description

It is very difficult to confuse the American Akita with another breed - it is almost impossible, even if you have seen her before “personal acquaintance” only in the photo. The first thing that catches the eye, in addition to the impressive size, is a strong body with well-developed muscles and a huge spine. Be sure to draw attention to the muzzle of the "bear" type with small eyes and a relatively short bridge of the nose.

The height and weight of the American Akita, as well as body proportions, vary, depending on gender. The height of males at the withers ranges from 66 to 71 cm, and females - from 61 to 66 cm.

In males, the ratio of length at the withers to body length is 9: 10, in females - 9: 11. The distance from the foot to the tip of the nose corresponds to the distance from the foot to the occipital tubercle in a ratio of 2: 3.



The head is the hallmark of the breed. Massive, but at the same time in harmony with the body. No skin folds (wrinkles) - provided that your pet is in a calm state. When viewed from above, the shape of the head resembles an acute triangle.

The skull is wide and flat, a shallow groove extends to the forehead. The transition from the forehead to the nose (feet) is well pronounced, but not sharply.

The muzzle is wide and massive, with strong square-shaped jaws. Jaws suspension is light. The ratio of the length of the snout to the length of the skull is 2:3.


The sting is characterized as a regular scissor-shaped sting. At the same time, the breed standard also allows a direct bite. The teeth are strong, the dental formula must be present perfectly.

the eyes

The eyes of the Akita about the size of the head are small, almost triangular, deeply set. Color - dark brown. The eyelids are black and fit snugly.



About the rest of the head, the ears are also small. Standing, triangular shape. They have a wide base on strong cartilage, slightly rounded at the ends. Staging is not too low. Above the eyes, at the level of the pebbles, it tilts forward somewhat.

When the ear is pulled forward, its tip should ideally touch the edge of the upper eyelid. If you look at the Akita's ears from the side, they seem to continue the upper line of the neck.

nose and lips


The nasal lobe is black, wide, and the nostrils well open. Liver color is allowed, but only in American Akita of white color. Although it is still better to have a “classic” of the breed, that is, the black color of the nose lobe.

The lips are also black, dry, and snugly fitting. Tongue pink.


Huge, thick, and relatively short, with minimal suspension. The muscle extends to the shoulders. The nape is well bulging, smoothly passing into the base of the skull and merging with it.


The body length of the American Akita exceeds the height of the dog at the withers. The chest is wide, massive, and deep.

The depth of the chest is half the height of the animal at the withers. The ribs are sufficiently convex (arched).

The abdomen is chosen moderately. The back is straight, and the lower back is muscular and strong, characterized by a slight bulge. The leather is elastic and fits comfortably.


Covered with straight, thick, and coarse hair, do not form a suspension. Its base is large and strong. The tail is planted high, and the Akita carries it above the back. Alternatively, the tail touches the side. The limb necessarily reaches the back or drops below its level.

The tail is bent into a ring, sometimes double, forming three-quarters of a circle. The last vertebra, subject to complete unfolding, reaches the hock joints.

the parties


The front limbs have a strong spine, when viewed from the side they look straight. The shoulders are moderately slanted back, strong, and solid. The elbows should be looking neatly back, not turned outward or inward. The carpal metacarpal has a slight inclination, about 15 degrees to the vertical. The paws are round in shape, of the "cat" type, the direction is straight. The pads are thick and flexible, and the fingers are arched with strong claws.

The hind limbs are also distinguished by a strong spine and strong muscles. Hips are well developed and strong. The metatarsal has a rather low location, outward or inward it is not turned. The knee joints, when viewed from the back, are parallel, with moderately pronounced angles. Paws are straight, with elastic pads, round ("cat" type). Fingers are convex (arched), equipped with powerful claws. Usually, the so-called profit fingers are removed, that is, the fifth in a row.

The American Akita gait is characterized by strong and free movements. It is also characterized by a moderate rush and impulse. The movement of the fore and hind limbs is carried out in the same plane.


The coat is double and has a dense undercoat. The coat is coarse and straight, while the undercoat is smooth and thick and in comparison to the integral hairs are somewhat shorter.

On the head, ears, and limbs, the hair is short. Its length on the sacrum and withers is about 5 cm, it is somewhat longer than the rest of the body, except for the tail. On it, the coat is the longest and most abundant - more than 6 cm.



The breed standard here is very democratic, allowing any color options, including white, white fawn, red and dark gray. American Akitas can be piebald, that is, spotted (pinto) - with or without a mask. Instead of the mask, there may be a spot on the forehead or a hole on the muzzle. Masking is completely excluded only in individuals of white color. In eggs, the lips, nose, and pads are black.

The colors of dogs of this breed are clear and pure. The spots have clear contours and are evenly arranged. Pinto spots on a white background are evenly distributed, cover the head and more than a third of the dog's body, and a dark mask is allowed.

The coat color may differ from the coat color.

Possible vices


Absence of any tooth except for 2 PM-1 and/or M3.

to cut.

bright eyes;

Males are of a type and, accordingly, females are of a male type.

The tongue is blue or with black spots.

Having a collar or cheeks.

Elbows turning (inward or outward).

Malevolence or, conversely, shyness.

Lightweight spine.

Insufficient body weight.

exclusion of vices

Partially or completely absent pigmentation of the basal lobe (the so-called butterfly nose).

Snack or a small bite.

The ears are semi-erect or completely flexible, having folds.

The tail is straight or sickle-shaped.

The height of males at the withers is less than 63.5 cm, and females - are less than 58 cm.

Aggression or cowardice.

Any obvious physical abnormalities or problematic behavior is a reason to exclude the American Akita.

For information: Males should have healthy, well-developed testicles, which are completely lowered into the scrotum. 

American Akita character

The American Akita is distinguished by an independent and freedom-loving personality. But at the same time, he is calm, affectionate, and balanced. With a mature and stable psyche in all situations, you behave with dignity and show self-control

Representatives of the breed do not have unreasonable reactions to external stimuli. She does not bark over trifles and does not throw herself at anything that moves just because it moves. Akita - intelligent, reserved, polite, and noble - such behavior is completely uncharacteristic.

Keeping your pet in an ordinary city apartment, you can not be afraid that the American Aquila will cause some inconvenience to the neighbors. There will certainly be no complaints about the constant barking and howling. But if the Akita begins to give a sound, you can be sure: there is a good reason for this! Your pet's barking is a sure sign that your territory or property has been encroached upon by a malicious person.

Dogs of this breed, like true samurai, like to keep everything under their control this is how the genes inherited from the ancestors of the Japanese manifest themselves. This quality in the American Akita can be called one of the basic because it helps her to fulfill the mission inherent in nature - to be an excellent guard. Take a closer look at your dog as he surveys his fields: There is something wonderful in his looks, inaccessible to human understanding.

The American Akita is distinguished by boundless devotion to the owner and members of his family. Like the Cane Corso, it gets along very well with children, often taking care of them like a nanny. But unlike the "Italians", our very young "American" children cannot be trusted. Not because he can offend them. On the contrary, when he feels threatened, he will not hesitate to rush to protect small families. A full nanny Akita cannot be because of its size. Leaving the child alone with her, you cannot be completely sure that the dog will not accidentally push him or cause him some kind of injury. Which of the younger members of the Akita family would become a true friend, it is for teenage children. They will not find the best companion in active games and various pranks! 

At the same time, the breed is not at all inherent in such traits as obsessive and restless. Although the Akita was bred specifically to live with someone, they still need personal space. The "American" will never be confused under your feet, but at the same time, you should not impose yourself on him again.

Features of the "inner world" of the breed include intolerance of rudeness on the part of the owner and other families. If an American Akita is yelled at or unfairly punished, it is deeply offended. Never raise your voice at your pet, do not abuse him, and certainly do not apply physical punishment.

The American Akita feels great in a country house with a spacious courtyard. A large area is its element: there is something to protect it, and there is a place where you feel like a master. Keep a dog in an apartment, in no case do not turn your pet into a "prisoner" of your square meters. A representative of this breed needs not only regular but also long walks. Moreover, you need to walk twice a day for at least 1-2 hours. Walking only "for the show" Akita is not suitable. It should be interesting, rich, and active, with elements of play and training. All these points will help maintain the physical and mental health of the dog at the appropriate level.

The American Akita has a wonderful memory and trusts its owner, so it is very important not to deceive the dog, he does not like it and remembers such moments for the future. That is, if, for example, you tempted her with a treat or gave the command “Eat!” or "Walk!", but you did nothing, you risk losing the pet's confidence: it will cease to perceive you as its leader.

Often in the behavior of the Akita, there is such a problem as aggression towards other dogs, which can cause the owner some trouble. It is for dogs: they often show loyalty to cats, but only “to themselves” - strangers in the territory they control simply will not be. As for other dogs, adult Akita, especially males, never accept other dogs in their community. On the walk, they often show their character far from the best side, provoking quarrels and fights. From this we draw a simple conclusion: once with your pet in walking places, in no case do not let him get off the leash. 

Training and education

The American Akita should only be taught and trained by an adult with the experience, will, and firm hand. The breed is not suitable for weak-willed people, not to mention the elderly and people with disabilities.

Training Akita for many, even experienced ones, can turn out to be hard work. But this is not at all because this breed is a tugodum. On the contrary, by nature, she has an outstanding mind, and before carrying out the command given to her, she will first think about whether it is worth doing. From the outside, it may seem that Akita did not understand what they wanted from her. It is also important how reliable the owner is in her eyes. An "American" will obey only the person whom he considers his leader, leader.


For the most part, American Akita are very active, and learn, in general, quickly. But they, like people, can be "captured" by routine. That is, a dog from performing the same commands can simply get bored, so motivation is very important in the process of training and education. In the initial stage, it will be easy to do this with only praise and treatment. In the future, you will have to show imagination more than ever to interest your pupil.

It happens that the puppy begins to show character: he is stubborn and does not want to follow orders. This is where we need to show who is in charge. This is very simple: press the trimmer with your back to the floor and hold it in this position until you stop resisting. Or take the puppy by the withers and press it to the floor - this method is also effective. At first glance, it may seem that by such actions the owner shows violence to the dog. However, in reality, these are effective ways of conveying to the dog that he is his leader and that he is stronger. In the future, the Akita will repeatedly try to take a leadership position, checking by disobedience whether the owner has weakened the "grip", and whether he will begin to give in. Don't fall for such scams!

The main purpose of the American Akita is to protect the owner, and she will always try to be close. For this “guardianship” on the part of the pet not to cause inconvenience, in the process of training and education of the puppy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the command “Location!”. Otherwise, the dog will be on duty near the locked door, waiting for you from work, sleeping by your bed, and constantly guarding the locked door to the bathroom. 

Care and maintenance

Caring for an American Akita is not difficult, but it must be done. Hygienic procedures will help maintain the health and beauty of your pet. In addition, daily care is the only way to timely detect various diseases at an early stage and take the necessary measures.

The breed has a thick "fur coat" with a soft undercoat, and is not prone to get bitten by barbs. Wool does not need a haircut, but it should be washed regularly and combed with a metal comb 1-2 times a week. The coat is subject to molting. The process of molting is abundant, it occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. During this period, the dog needs to be combed daily, using a powder jacket or furminator.

The eyes need regular examination. If you notice small gray lumps in the corners of the eyes, do not worry too much, as they are easily removed with a soft, lint-free cloth. Noting abundant tension in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, constant tearing, immediately contact a specialist. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable.

The ears are subjected to a thorough examination once a week. In a healthy ear, an excess of sulfur is not observed, it is a beautiful pink color. The reason for contacting a veterinarian should be an abundance of sulfur, redness of the ear, and an unpleasant smell from it, as well as a rash. Only a specialist can determine the cause. And there can be many causes: ear mites, otitis media, allergies to certain components of the diet.

The Akita's teeth should be brushed 3-4 times a week with dog paste. You can use a brush or limit yourself to the nozzle of your finger. It is important to prevent the appearance of tartar, so the condition of the dog's oral cavity should be constantly monitored, and your pet should be regularly taken for examination by the veterinarian.

After walking, be sure to wipe the claws of the American Akita with wet towels and check them for cracks and injuries. On the pads of the paws, it is necessary to rub vegetable oil and include it in the diet, one teaspoon per day is enough. Such a simple preventive measure will prevent the appearance of cracks. To trim the claws (this procedure should be carried out once a month), use a claw cutter for large breeds. To avoid chipping and burrs, the sharp ends are smoothed with a nail file.

American Akita Health and Diseases

The American Akita is naturally healthy and has good immunity. Puppies, unlike representatives of some other breeds, are less susceptible to infection. However, there are diseases to which representatives of this breed are genetically predisposed: hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, epilepsy, puffiness, inversion and inversion of the eyelids, and infertility.

Hip dysplasia can develop, first of all, due to excessive physical exertion during puberty and due to poor nutrition. That is, despite a genetic predisposition, this disease may not develop if you provide the Akita with a balanced diet and do not overload it during training. Infertility can be observed in some dogs due to hormonal disorders.

In addition, representatives of the breed may suffer from allergic reactions, seborrheic thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, dermatitis, gastric volvulus, pemphigus, intolerance to anesthesia, as well as Cushing's syndrome (also known as hyperadrenocorticism). This disease affects the organs of the endocrine system due to the excessive production of adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary gland and cortisol from the adrenal glands.

The average life expectancy of an American Akita is 10-14 years.

How to choose a puppy

Buy an American Akita puppy from proven breeders who have been in the market for several years. It will not be superfluous to find all possible information about the seller on the Internet and read the reviews. An experienced breeder who appreciates his reputation will tell you which puppy is best for you. Some need a good hunter, others need a potential winner in all possible fairs, and still, others need a good and faithful friend to themselves and the children, and to guard the house.

Be sure to take a look at the future pet parents. This is very important because the offspring inherits its appearance and behavior. If it turns out that mom or dad is cowardly or, conversely, aggressive, then most likely the puppy you choose may be the same.

Be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the American Akita puppy. The owner of the coat should be shiny, and smooth to the touch. Stroking such a puppy, an association with a plush toy arises involuntarily. If he is very thin, has a swollen belly, red and watery eyes, or crooked elbows and knees, it is better not to risk and not to take. You should not take a very young puppy, because show-class professionals do not appoint dogs for up to 9 months.

Your future pet must be active. Lethargy in behavior is a sign of depression, which in turn may indicate a specific illness. If possible, to exclude hidden diseases that may appear in the future, pay attention to the feces of the puppy. Its consistency and color can confuse you. In this case, you should refrain from buying.

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