Bloodhound dog breed description
Country of Origin: Belgium
Breed Origin Time: Thirteenth Century
Weight: males 46 - 54 kg, females 40 - 48 kg
Height (length at the withers): males 64 - 72 cm, females 58 - 66 cm
Average life expectancy: 10-12 years
Bloodhound is translated as blood. It is believed that the original duty of the breed was hunting on the blood trail, which is reflected in its name. There is also an alternative version, according to which the blood morpheme does not mean the hunting qualifications of the dog, but indicates its dreadfulness.
Despite the formidable appearance, blood is not involved in the security service. Given the docile and kind nature, this "brutal" is simply not suitable for this.
Blood ancestors were famous for their almost ass stubbornness and unwillingness to learn. In modern dogs, these traits are less developed, although to train them you will have to work hard.
Blood are excellent swimmers and - quite unexpectedly - great divers.
The breed performs brilliantly even on the old track of 300 hours or more.
Like all sprays, the Bloodhounds are outstanding droolers, but they still have to grow and grow into Bulldogs and Saint Bernards for that matter.
Adults have tremendous vocal data. This is not even bark, but a strong bass roar that can be heard at a distance of several kilometers.
The bloody dog attacks the trail falls from reality and, like hypnosis, moves behind an interesting scent, which is why the dog must be controlled every minute of the walk.
Breeding a bloodshot puppy requires serious investment and effort: the breed matures slowly, fully completing physical and mental development only by 2.5-3 years.
Bloody hounds are unwavering benefactors and first-class investigators who will get off the ground any prey that has a slightly noticeable scent. At the same time, the breed is not associated with its historical craft (hunting) and, if necessary, is easily repurposed to sniff out a service or companion. But what the blood will not become is a sofa, so before you take a puppy, in advance, go for a run or walk - you will walk with your pet for a long time and intensively.
Bloodhound history
Blood is so ancient that it is almost impossible to trace its origin and distant ancestors. For example, for a long time, the ancestors of the dynasty considered hunting from the abbey of the Ardennes (Belgium), which was later called St. Hubert, after the second name of the monastery. Already in the ninth century, the monks of the monastery discovered and practiced interbreeding diligently, using molossus, and hunting Belgians hunting in North Africa as breeding material.
Monastic dogs or St. Hubert, as they were called in Europe, had a textured appearance. From a gigantic build, massive, laden with multiple wrinkles and giant heads, they perfectly chased the great game, which they were so beloved by the Belgian nobility. Since the Ardennes have carefully guarded the secret of the origin of their wings, hunting like them has not been bred anywhere else. However, the enforced isolation did not interfere with the fame and spread of the breed, as the Belgian clergy shared their pets with the French royal family, who used the animals to hunt deer.
In the nineteenth century, the Russian zoologist L. P. Sabaneev proposed his version of the origin of blood. In his opinion, the ancestors of the breed were not Ardennes at all, but Norman hunting - a breed born in the eleventh century by crossing Saint-Huberts with French hunting. Especially this variety was cultivated by the Normans, who at that time subjugated the English lands and brought their four-legged pets to them. Later, Norman hunting began to cross with the Great Dane and English, in particular, with mastiffs, which gave the world blood. In favor of this version is the fact that today representatives of the breed have a tubular "design" of the ears, not characteristic of Saint-Huberts, but typical of French (Norman) hounds.
By the beginning of the seventeenth century, blood became very popular, and some individuals managed to cross the Atlantic and consolidate their positions in the New World. However, unlike Europe, which was obsessed with hunting, hunting in America was waiting for a different task. It began to be used to search for people, or rather, to catch fleeing slaves from fierce masters, and then to pursue escaped convicts. Thanks to this imposed specialization, the reputation of the ruthless investigators of animals was repaired, because of which the breed was almost completely exterminated during the Civil War. By the way, modern researchers believe that slaves in the United States "hunted" not with purebred blood, but with mestizo.
In Europe, hunting was also used as a sniff. For example, in 1616, there was a law in Great Britain that required every sixth parish to keep a bloodhound on guard duty. At about this time, another decree belongs, according to which the bloodhound had the right to take a trace in the homes of residents, obliging to provide it with all possible assistance and to open the doors of the dwelling to the nose of the animal. Especially the brave ones, who refused to cooperate with the "brutal investigator" and locked themselves in their homes, faced a sad outcome - the death penalty.
Description of the standard Bloodhound breed
The descendants of St. Hubert have a bright, unforgettable exterior and a strong physique. A massive spine, a huge and well-developed muscle mass, an elongated shape of the body - all this gives the appearance of the animal's brutal totalitarianism and elegant admiration. At the same time, excessively exaggerated (upward) dimensions are a defect that can affect the career of a dog show.
The most expressive part of the blood's body is, of course, the head: framed by long soft ears, reminiscent of the wig of an English master, with amazing spots and noble folds on the forehead. In addition, the breed has a very special expressiveness of the muzzle: in any temperament of the dog, its appearance will amaze with its majesty and nobility. One cannot help but store in the soul and intelligent, slightly separate appearance of the bloodhound, which creates the impression that the animal has comprehended all the secrets of the universe and now sees through everyone, including the owner.
The breed standard provides growth at an arm's length of 64-72 cm for males and 58-66 cm for females. Male benches should weigh from 46 to 54 kg, females - 40-48 kg.
The dog's head is massive, with a deep, flat skull on the sides and a relatively narrow profile. The arches of the eyebrows are not expressive, like the foot, but the occipital tubercle is embossed and well-drawn. The muzzle of blood is thickened in the region of the nostrils, voluminous along the entire length, with a smooth and slightly convex upper line.
Soft, elongated, forming an almost square profile, while the upper lip covers the lower jaw, hanging 5 cm. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe corners, the lips turn into plump shavings, and in turn, they turn into a heavy suspension (in the "girls" the spray is less noticeable).
teeth and bite
Bloodhounds have strong white teeth, which close in a classic bite in the form of scissors (preferably) or similar to a tick.
The broad, developed lobe is black in blood, tan brown, or black in dogs of other stripes.
the eyes
Medium-sized blood does not tend to swell. The standard shades of the iris are dark and light brown, and for individuals who do not have a black mantle/saddle on the coat, lighter options, for example, amber, are also acceptable. The dog's look is clever, a little careless, very similar to that of a basset hound.
The earpiece is long, flexible, and wrapped inward or backward. In individuals who meet the requirements of the standard, the ears are planted in the same line with the eyes or below and have a short, velvety coat.
Sufficient length to allow the attacking dog to keep its nose on the ground. The skin on the throat hangs freely and passes to the middle of the throat in a thick double suspension (in which it is less pronounced).
The well-developed muscular body of the Bloodhound is distinguished by an elongated rectangular format. The lines of the back and abdomen are smooth, running parallel to each other. The lower part of the dog is massive and short. The grain is fleshy, without a pronounced bevel, almost horizontal. The chest is wide, long, strongly lowered, with a pronounced keel.
the parties
In position, the strong, muscular legs of a bloodhound look straight and parallel to each other. The elongated oblique shoulder blades in combination with the elongated shoulder form free angles. The elbows are placed straight, without twisting, and the carpal metacarpal gives the impression of a firm and firm at a slight angle.
The dog's thighs and lower legs are massive, with clearly prominent muscles. The hock joints are low, "flowing" into a strong short comb. When hunting, the blood moves with a beautiful free trot without arching its back.
Flexible, stretch well, forming large folds on the forehead and the sides of the muzzle. Folds on the body and the rest of the body are not welcome.
The thick, sword-shaped tail of blood is a logical extension of its spine. The tail is planted low and has a good length. In movement, it rises above the line of the spine, without twisting the key and falling on its side.
The blood coat is heterogeneous. On the ears, the coat is soft, silky, but very short. The rest of the body is covered with a longer, denser, and coarser dog, which protects the skin well from external influences.
Typical blood is one or two tones. The coat of monochromatic individuals is all shades of red, ranging from bright red and ending to a dark red suit. Bicolor dogs are black or brown livered.
The amount of black tone can be different, in connection with which the hunting is divided into hooded and cloaked. In the blood-covered, spots of tan prevail over the concentrated black tone in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back. In dogs with a cloak, the tan is located on the limbs, cheekbones, eyebrows, chest, muzzle, and the area under the tail, while the black suite occupies most of the body.
It is not considered a vice, but also unwelcome: small white marks on the tip of the tail, fingers, and sternum; Pale tan and pale red in the monochrome catch.
exclusion of vices
The same external defect may, depending on the degree of severity, be considered a minor defect and a cause of disqualification in the exhibition. In the case of blood, non-acceptance of the performance in the loop can be obtained due to the following abnormalities:
shyness / excessive malice;
non-compliance with the dimensions specified in the standard;
A light shade of the iris.
bite defects, including warping and misalignment of the jaws;
Hypopigmentation on the lips and nose.
atypical colors of the nose: in black blood tan - any tone except black; in monochromatic individuals - all colors, except liver and black;
white spots in places not defined by the standard, as well as excessively large white marks;
Expressed weak breed traits.
Are bloodhounds good family dogs?
Norman hunting descendants are balanced to somewhat phlegmatic and somewhat lovable dogs. True, do not confuse the calm temper of the breed with weakness. Bloody fishing is far from soft-bodied shoes, and will not allow anyone but children to roll ropes from themselves. Hunting, of course, is happy to be someone's girlfriend, but on the rights of a friend and certainly not in a disadvantaged pet situation, where all decisions are made by the owner. By the way, to the question about children: the blood is honestly high from playing with the child and will not intentionally harm the child. However, it is better not to forget the dimensions of being able to hit a small one-year-old child on his feet with a single flap of the tail.
Fans of the breed assure that the blood can safely drive the crest of the most family and humane pet. He is intelligent, has a conflict-free, accommodating personality, and is subconsciously devoted to the man who took him up for upbringing. For people who are not part of his circle of acquaintances, blood is also quite loyal, so feel free to invite noisy companies into the house - the Belgian fisherman is happy for guests with complete sincerity and certainly will not spy on them. Especially bloody hunting like traditional, repeated from year to year festivities. In their calendar, dogs put a mental note in front of each such event and willingly participate in receiving and entertaining guests.
Sometimes among the "Belgians", there are shy and excessively shy natures who prefer silence and solitude to group entertainment. But overall, the Bloodhound is a very social and social breed. For example, its representatives easily join the party of other four-legged pets, do not make fun of cats, and rarely explain relations with each other (clashes between two males or bitches are not canceled).
Blood rarely barks, but appropriately: the low trumpet sound of the dog is audible at a distance of several kilometers. On the hunt, this quality, of course, wouldn't hurt, but at home...don't panic, though. The animal will arrange vocal exercises only in exceptional cases so that such concerts are experienced easily and painlessly.
Education and Training
Blood is overthinking and slow about everything to do with learning. Also, indisputable obedience is not their fortress. However, the "Belgian" has the basic requirements to become a polite and controlled friend, given that he is intelligent, and intelligent and keeps new commands and skills in his memory for a long time.
The main problems faced by the trainer of the breed are the natural stubbornness of its representatives and inattention to classes. And if you have to fight the first with perseverance, then in the second it is better to rely on delicacies. To treat the blood work more actively and with more interest than just praise. It is wise not to delay lessons. The maximum that the breed can withstand is 15-20 minutes, after which the focus is replaced by boredom, and attention turns to other external stimuli. Long-eared inquisitors hamper the diligence of long-eared inquisitors and formidable taste: blood is capable of distracting any, even the most elusive smell, which will follow like a sleepwalk.
The amount of black tone can be different, in connection with which the hunting is divided into hooded and cloaked. In the blood-covered, spots of tan prevail over the concentrated black tone in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back. In dogs with a cloak, the tan is located on the limbs, cheekbones, eyebrows, chest, muzzle, and the area under the tail, while the black suite occupies most of the body.
It is not considered a vice, but also unwelcome: small white marks on the tip of the tail, fingers, and sternum; Pale tan and pale red in the monochrome catch.
Hunting and research activities with blood
Bloodhound is a classic "sniffer", able to distinguish the desired effect among thousands of other strong smells and not lose it for tens, or even hundreds of kilometers. In addition, he has practically no competitors in the search for the ancient path: the most talented representatives of the breed have been successfully working with “aroma guides” for two weeks.
In the forest, the blood behaves professionally and constantly, not deviating from the self-built path until the prey is detected. Only in this case, the dog will give his deaf, menacing, lion-like voice. Since the breed does not have a narrow specialization, the Bloodhound successfully hunts both large games such as wild boars and moose, and a variety of small animals such as badgers. The most prized prey is, although among the males there are real nuggets.
Best of all, the breed is given hunting on a blood trail, so tests are often conducted among its representatives in this discipline. It happens as follows: a bloody, winding “path” is laid in the forest strip, at the end of which there is improvised prey - pigskin that smells of blood. Individual competition participants are placed on a long leash and allowed on the road. At the same time, the owner follows a trainer who observes the working qualities of the four-legged racer: his interest in work, movements when cornering, attitude to the shot, and the found prey.
The United States prefers mainly to use bloody hunting for research. Usually, dogs search for missing persons, and also help in finding victims as a result of natural and man-made disasters. In this, hunting is helped by anatomical features. For example, a dog's long flexible ears act like an impromptu fan, picking up the desired smell and carrying it to the nose, but at the same time blocking and cutting off the "odors" dispersed from the outside. The folds on the blood forehead form a small cover that narrows the angle of view while searching. This helps the huntsman to focus on work and not be distracted by what is happening around them.
Maintenance and care
Bloodhound is a breed that is poorly adapted to living in apartments, although among breeders it is customary to assert the opposite. Representatives of this family are creatures of large size that do not have great grace, so even in the most spacious apartment, they will be cramped. Do not discount the long strong tail of the dog, with which it will touch the furniture, and at the same time sweep small objects from horizontal surfaces. In addition, it is worth taking care of the nerves of fellow housemates, who are unlikely to appreciate the rare, but “inspiring” bark of your wing.
Hunting, forced to spend her days in the apartment, errs with destructive behavior and often makes alterations to the interior of the housing. And they are not indifferent to the floors and willingly nibble on linoleum and laminate. Accordingly, to start a blood hunt without a private house with at least a small yard is a search for stubborn and not particularly unshakable owners. Moreover, the dynasty does not require a luxurious country mansion with a fenced hectare of land. It is enough to have a small house in the country or suburbs, given that the blood easily gets used to the annoying urban rhythm if they walk with it a lot, and in the season they take them to work in the forest.
The Bloodhound is a short coat that sheds seasonally and requires minimal care. Usually, the "Belgians" are not combed, but with a frequency of once a week, they pass through their bodies with rubber gloves that collect dead hair and massage the skin. Wash the blood, if it is not a show animal, better because it gets dirty, with shampoo for the short-haired breeds.
The most problematic parts of the body in terms of care are the head and ears of the dog. In particular, for the hunt to look neat, during the day he will have to regularly wipe the muzzle. The blood is very drooling, and if they do not follow their mouths, hang the furniture in the house with a slippery fringe, and puddles will grow on the floor, where the master's slippers glide merrily. Folds and wrinkles on the head of the animal are not only part of the image of the breed, but also a serious problem, because the skin in them is often prey, which leads to pyoderma (dermatitis). Therefore, wrinkles should be periodically wiped on the mask with drying preparations based on chlorhexidine.
Blood ears also need care. They not only pick up a lot of dirt and dust after each outing and require thorough washing but also need to be aerated. To do this, you need to lift the ear cloth and shake it hard to ensure air circulation in the ear canal. You can not neglect the daily examination of the ear funnel to remove the secretion and impurities accumulated in it in time.
Bloodhound eye hygiene is to prevent straining, so wipe it down with a strong tea infusion every 7 days.
Walking with blood is both fitness and training for the owner's attention at the same time. Half-hour trips to the store and back in a certain condition are not an option. For the dog to spend at least 70% of its internal battery charge, you need an hour and a half, preferably two hours of running, active games, and training, and there must be at least two such activities per day. Up to 8 months, puppies are not loaded with excessive physical activity, do not allow them to go down and climb stairs, so as not to deform the legs.
To bring blood to the street in the conditions of any settlement must be strictly on a leash. If an animal attacked an interesting path, you will have to catch up with it for a long and hard time. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and genetic predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, walking on blood is not carried out immediately after or before eating. Between meals and "going out" at least 1.5-2 hours should pass.
Blood does not need a specific diet and is satisfied with the classic dog menu, consisting of lean meat, offal, fish fillets, dairy products, cereals (no more than 20% of the total diet), and vegetables. It is also possible to refuse natural feeding in favor of high-quality "drying". The only thing is that you will have to take into account the tendency of the breed to bloat and give the pet food in small portions. For example, the morning or evening meal can be divided in half and fed to the blood in two steps.
Good prevention of intestinal volvulus, to which hunting is prone, will be installed at an angle and fixed in this position of the bowl for food. In addition, it is important to calculate the calorie content of the diet, and track its balance - the information is well known, which managed to get bored, but does not lose its relevance to both pets and shows individuals. Do not forget, very well fed, as well as very roasted blood, heroism does not shine at the fair, so you can intensively feed the dog only in a puppy. Although here it is better not to overdo it, so as not to overload the fragile joints of the child.
Health and blood diseases
The most common hematological disease is dysplasia of the hip (more common) and elbow joints. The deep chest, typical of all representatives of the breed, can cause such unpleasant phenomena as flatulence and intestinal distention, and often leads to death. Particularly susceptible to the disease are individuals who absorb food in large portions and walk immediately after eating. Among other things, the blood has a predisposition to dermatitis and epilepsy, as well as anomalies in the development of the eyelid (inversion/inversion).
How to choose a puppy
Litters can contain from 7 to 10 pups, although cases of more or fewer babies being born are also not uncommon.
The best age to buy puppy blood is 2-3 months. It is also possible to take more adult individuals, but it will be more difficult to teach and train them.
For normal development, children of bloodhounds need a lot of free space, so choose breeders who prefer suburban breeding. Keeping an adult and her restless cubs in an apartment is a real mockery of the breed.
Increased obesity of blood puppies in the first months of life is normal. The main thing is that it does not last until the age of 8 months: the breed is prone to obesity, which involves several diseases that are no less dangerous to health.
Ask the seller if hereditary dysplasia has been tested in the bloodhound manufacturers. Breeders who have nothing to hide willingly share x-rays and examination results with clients.
Decide what kind of trash he is referring to. It is worth knowing not only the total number of births but also the periods in which the litter was born. If less than a year has passed between the last mating, then it is logical to assume that the breeder simply makes money for the animals, and does not give a damn about their health.
Choosing a future hunter, find out whether his closest ancestors had work certificates. Puppy-blooded first-rate pathfinders usually inherit parental talents.
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