The American Bulldog is an explosive combination of temperament and puppy loyalty. With such a pet, you always feel safe. In the dog57 dog breed registry, we'll show you what the American Bulldog looks like, talking about his origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as his training and the most common diseases he usually suffers from. You'll find all about the American Bulldog below. Read on.
a summary
Breed Name: American Bulldog
Country of Origin: USA
The time of the origin of the breed: the end of the nineteenth century
Weight: males 32 - 54 kg, females 27 - 45 kg
Height (length at the withers): males 55 - 70 cm, females 52 - 65 cm
Average life expectancy: 11-12 years
The American Bulldog is an excellent companion for those who have a strong character.
The breed is divided into types - Scott Standard and Johnson Classic.
Dogs have boundless love and devotion to their owner.
The American Bulldog does not get along well with other pets, as they do not tolerate competition. A rare exception is a pet the dog grew up with.
American Bulldogs have excellent protective qualities, which, along with intelligence and observation, make dogs excellent watchers.
Representatives of the breed need daily physical exertion. They need to spray energy, otherwise, defeat in your apartment is guaranteed.
The American Bulldog needs proper breeding from the first days of life at home, otherwise, the puppy will grow into a non-festive and aggressive dog.
Not suitable for novice dog breeders.
The American Bulldog is a noble blend of independence, strength, and confidence in one's awesomeness. Representatives of this breed are endowed with impeccable build and development of muscles. The appearance of the dog is unlikely to cause a desire to get to know each other better. If it doesn't matter to you, go for it! The American Bulldog will become the best friend of a responsible and self-confident person who knows how to stand his ground and does not succumb to difficult situations.
History of the American Bulldog Breed
American bulldog was rightfully awarded his honorary "nickname" - a bulldog. The breed is unique in that its representatives managed to preserve the original characteristics and appearance from the fifteenth century to our times. For the first time, bulldogs appeared on the territory of England, where the Molossians were bred to organize fights with bulls. Then the dogs cost the owners a tidy sum because their remarkable courage and strength determined the outcome of the fight with cattle. The descendants of the heroes of the American bulldog, who repeatedly won in fierce battles, were especially appreciated.
The value of the breed was also explained by the ability of its representatives to withstand any pain. Breeders often held demonstration "shows", during which they brought dogs into a state of animal rage and showed their endurance. These thoughts had a sad result: American bulldogs often died, but this did not detract from the popularity of the breed or the amount that buyers were willing to pay for the future champion.
American bulldogs were used as blood game animals until the beginning of the 19th century. After signing a law banning bullfighting and dogfighting, the price of American bulldogs fell sharply. Bulldogs were forced to keep them in the yard because their cruelty and indomitable temperament often pose a danger even to the owner. The breed was forgotten for a while because it differed in nothing but endurance: neither a pleasant appearance, nor docileness, nor other characteristics.
With the popularization of exhibitions, the ampoule again attracted the attention of dog breeders. Wanting to make dogs more suitable for show, geneticists poured pug's blood. This experiment lasted thirty years and ended with great success: the new samples were distinguished by a smaller size, more correct proportions, and a calm disposition. Soon the bulldogs were divided into separate breeds. Kennel clubs were organized for them, which registered the puppies and documented their pedigree. So the English bulldog appeared, which received the glory of the national symbol of the country.
It should be noted that the history of the breed was not limited to this. At the beginning of the eighteenth century in England, there was a tense economic situation. The prison cells were overcrowded with debtors who did not have enough money to pay the required amount. The government took a cunning step, promising amnesty for prisoners who went to settle in a new colony in Georgia.
Few prisoners made it to America's shores, but this was fully compensated by the transport of working-class immigrants, who hoped to start a new life and escape the hardships. Together with them, people brought the most valuable "property" - the real bulldog, who at that time were still engaged in bull hunting and retained their unbridled temper.
At first, the colonists had a hard time: the wildlands needed constant cleansing and protection from the warlike Indian tribes, the Spaniards, and the French. American bulldog suddenly proved to be a reliable, loyal, and dependable observer. Therefore, thanks to an athletic physique, stamina, diligence, courage, intelligence, and an excellent sense of smell, bulldogs turned out to be indispensable companions in the wildlands of America.
Then farmers did not attach importance to the appearance of a large American bulldog with a huge muzzle and powerful claws.
The breed was valued not for its outward appearance, but its practical qualities. Attempts to add the Southern Bulldog to the American Kennel Club (AKC) list remained unsuccessful for a long time. Preference was given to foreign breeds, and the "natives" of the colonies were considered ordinary and unworthy.
Additionally, the "Bulldog" breed is already registered with the AKC, and Southerners will have to consider a new name to avoid confusion when popularizing the American bulldog in the United States. Georgian big, fair, working, southern white, old - all these names refer specifically to the American bulldog. Until the middle of the twentieth century, it was not registered by any satirical organization and could not boast of an official pedigree.
Only by the 60s was the name "American Bulldog" assigned to the breed. At the same time, the first criterion was presented to everyone's attention. Soon the American bulldog was registered by most dog organizations. The dog breeders were fascinated by her majestic appearance along with her impeccable service skills. Increasingly, bulldogs were bred for military departments and police stations. Compared to other dogs, the American bulldog was distinguished by endurance, wisdom, and amazing taste inherited from distant ancestors. Representatives of this breed found application during the search for survivors of major disasters.
Soon the American Bulldog won the love of not only America but all of Europe. Even Russia in the battered 90s responded to this dog trend: often on the streets of cities, there were frightening-looking, ready at any time to rush to the protection of the owner. The breed is popular to this day. At the same time, its name - the American bulldog - does not scare away potential dog owners who have unpleasant associations with bull hunting and dogfighting. On the contrary, the huge and frightening dimensions of the animal give a person indestructible self-confidence.
The emergence of the American bulldog
American Bulldogs refer to large dogs. Variation is a key feature of this breed. Its representatives differ from each other in many characteristics. Although there are two stripes - Classic (Johnson) and Standard (Scott) - the appearance of modern dogs combines features of both. If we consider each species separately, it can be noted that Johnson's ampoules are more squat and large than their counterparts - the English bulldog. Standard-type dogs have more similarities to the American bull terrier.
According to the FCI standard, the height of the ampulla at the withers should be 55-70 cm (for males) and 52-65 cm (for females). As for bodyweight, it reaches 32-54 kg and 27-45 kg, respectively.
head and skull
The head of the American bulldog is distinguished by its large size and proportionality about the dog's body. The slightly rounded and broad skull forms a high forehead and a moderately pronounced occipital tubercle.
Its appearance depends on what type your American Bulldog belongs to. Johnson's line features a square, smoothly defined snout with a well-defined stop. In representatives of the Scottish breed, the muzzle has a more wedge-shaped shape, while the transition from the forehead to the nose is less pronounced. At the same time, the classic ampullary has a shorter muzzle (up to 30% of the length of the skull) in contrast to standard specimens (up to 40%). Deep folds are a characteristic of the Johnson bulldog. The large nose with wide nostrils is painted in black or brown (the first is better). Dark lips fit snugly over the jaws.
The ears of the American bulldog are medium in size, set on the front line. It can be hanging or standing. The shape is mostly triangular, but "envelope" or "pink" options are allowed. It is not recommended to turn off the ears at any age.
the eyes
Small, round eyes are set straight and wide. Their color varies from walnut to dark brown, while dark shades are still a priority. The eyelids fit tightly and are distinguished by dark pigmentation, up to the entire "outline" of the eyes. Uncoated areas are permitted in individuals up to two years of age.
jaws and teeth
The jaws of the American bulldog are very wide. In this case, the lower part is slightly pushed forward beyond the upper line, forming the so-called dense snack or snack with the departure. Note that in both cases, the teeth should not be visible if the mouth is closed. The canines diverge widely in the jaw, while the incisors form a straight line. Big and healthy teeth are preferred. The first and second premolars may be missing.
The muscular and strong neck is set at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body. It has a well-defined logo.
The American Bulldog has a slightly elongated body. Half the height of the dog at the withers is equal to the depth of the chest. The circumference of the skull and neck is the same, while the length of the latter should exceed the length of the head.
It has a wide base and tapers smoothly to the tip. The maximum compliance with the standard is the tail, which reaches the hock joints.
front limbs
Laid wide and parallel to each other. The shoulders and forearms are notable for their well-developed muscles. Elbows are directed back. The forelimbs pass into strong legs of a rounded shape. Short fingers are tightly compressed.
India's extremities
The distance between the hind limbs is much wider. The hips and drumsticks of the American Bulldog feature relief muscles. The angle of the limbs is moderately pronounced. The paws have a slightly elongated shape, so they already look longer and frontal.
Movement method
The movements of the American Bulldog are powerful and well-coordinated, similar to a free trot.
fleece cover
The coat's hair length should not exceed 1.5 cm, it fits snugly over the dog's body and has a healthy sheen.
Most often, the coat of the American bulldog has gray, gray-white, red-white-and-white colors. Black, black with tan, marble, and blue are allowed, but only if these colors include spots of white. In this case, the markings should cover at least 10% of the structure. Pay attention to the fact that in the dog it appears that the white color is most appreciated.
The disadvantages of the American Bulldog breed include:
Tail with a wrinkle lying on the back, key.
the yellow, green, or gray color of the iris;
Eyes with sagging eyelids.
Gray pigmentation of the basal lobe.
Poorly developed muscles.
Bite directly from the jaws.
Sharp narrowing of the muzzle.
pigmentation of the eyelids;
Please note that any deviation from the standard is a defect. There are also
unqualified vices. of between it:
excessive or aggressive cowardice;
The undescended testicles of the male in the scrotum.
The blue color of the eyes is asymmetry.
long coat
Scissor-shaped bite.
uneven line of incisors;
Jaw asymmetry.
Deafness and blindness.
American Bulldog Character
The American Bulldog is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a brave, intelligent and selfless companion. The bulldog will pass with his master through the fire, water, and copper pipes. The main thing is to let the dog know that in your duet he is not assigned the role of leader.
The breed is not suitable for weak-willed people who will not be able to devote enough time to raising a pet. Do not forget that the American bulldog tends to dominate and defend his rights, which is why he needs proper socialization. Otherwise, the dog will perceive any living creature as a potential threat and show aggression.
The massive and impressive appearance of the ampoule hides its friendliness and sociability. Representatives of this breed show incredible loyalty and devotion to the family in which they live. In critical situations, the bulldog will protect the owner from the last drop of blood. Be prepared for sudden shows of affection when 40 pounds of puppy affection fall on your lap—and it's not easy to bear, by the way! American Bulldogs get along well with children and are happy to participate in games. However, be careful: the dog does not always understand that it is superior to children in strength and size, so it can accidentally pile on the child.
The breed is famous for its protective qualities. The American Bulldog has excellent hearing and taste, so no thief will be able to sneak into the protected property. Often the dog arranges a demonstration of his strength. If he does not stop this villain, then the bulldog fearlessly rushes into battle, protecting not only the property entrusted to him but also the people he loves.
In times of danger, representatives of this breed maintain their wonderful fighting tactics and skillfully build. They cannot be distracted by false maneuvers and hilarious threats. American Bulldogs are wary of strangers even when they are close to their owners. They may need enough time to get used to the new person.
The American Bulldog has high intelligence, which becomes problematic in certain situations. Even a puppy can be smart enough to open a door or jump on a windowsill where pots of houseplants are. And if the American Bulldog is bored, beware: the dog will go so far as to destroy the apartment in an attempt to spray the energy that has accumulated outside.
Do not forget that your pet needs daily physical exertion. Go an hour-long in the park, not forgetting to grab your favorite doggie toy. The American bulldog will appreciate this and upon returning home he will gladly sleep at the feet of the owner, where he will spend the rest of the day. It is worth noting that the American bulldog is an excellent companion for walking. With a proper upbringing, their poise and calm will save you from having to keep the leash tight.
If you plan to take a bulldog as a companion for a second pet, give up on your project. Representatives of this breed do not get along well with animals, especially with their relatives. The American bulldog does not tolerate competition, and the presence of the same sex will only aggravate the situation.
In the absence of proper upbringing, the American Bulldog is capable of immobilizing or killing another pet, regardless of size. Do not forget that initially this breed was bred for bloody fights with bulls. Clear hunting instincts can provoke a dog to chase, which in most cases has a sad outcome.
Education and Training
Well-developed intelligence and an independent personality are good reasons to start taking care of an American Bulldog as soon as possible. First of all, the puppy should be aware of the main fact: the owner's word is a law that cannot be violated under any circumstances. Stop the slightest attempts of the bulldog to growl and trot on your family members, but in no case do not raise your hand to the dog! The American Bulldog is unaware of cruelty and in the future may be angry with you. Firmness, perseverance, and patience are the three pillars of the proper upbringing of pets.
Don't forget that self-discipline is double the aid, so it can take more than one month to develop habits. First of all, engage in the formation of the regime of the day. To do this, take the American Bulldog for a walk twice - in the morning and the evening. Soon your pet will understand that it is necessary to relieve the need exclusively on the street. This way you will avoid unpleasant "accidents".
While walking, do not allow the American Bulldog to pull on the leash, and lunge forward. In the case of a puppy, it may seem funny: a plump child sniffs with tension, wanting to speed up the step despite the efforts of the owner. However, be sure of this: when he is obese and weighs almost half a hundred pounds in place, this will create some inconveniences. The dog has to walk beside you - and nothing else.
Don't let your pet jump on people with its front paws. The impressive dimensions of the American Bulldog (especially for children) are very difficult to tolerate. In general, it is not recommended to allow the ample to show strength. Prevent him from fighting with other dogs or cats. Don't even allow a smile or roar in their direction.
Care and maintenance
The American bulldog breed is quite unpretentious in the care. These dogs are forbidden to carry out water procedures more than two or three times a year. It is enough to wipe the muzzle when it becomes dirty - and your pet will always look neat and clean. For these purposes, ear sticks and cotton pads are suitable.
The only thing that you will have to spend money on is a special brush for combing. During molting, the American Bulldog leaves a lot of hair, so it is recommended to brush the dog at least once a week. If the brush is not at hand, then a rubber glove is well suited. Don't forget the bulldog's claws. Sometimes long walks are not enough for them to grind. Use a pruning shear to shorten the claws every one and a half to two months.
However, your American Bulldog will be grateful not for pleasant spa treatments, but daily active walks in the fresh air. In each feature of this strong and noble dog there is a passion for physical exertion, so do not deprive your pet of this joy. Every kilometer traveled will give the bulldog good health, and you - a great mood.
As for the feeding of the ampoule, it is recommended to use a special dry food with a vitamin-mineral complex. Periodically dilute the dog's diet with fresh dairy and meat products. Do not treat the pet with "human" food, no matter how simple his eyes are: this can negatively affect the well-being of the bulldog.
Follow these instructions:
Don't make meat the basis of the diet. Remember that it must be balanced and contain at least 30% protein.
Do not often give American Bulldog foods high in calcium and vitamins A, D. This negatively affects the skeletal system of the dog.
Stick to the frequency. So, puppies up to 4 months are fed five times, up to 6 months - four times, up to six months - three times a day. After that, it is enough to fill the bowl twice - in the morning and the evening.
It is not recommended to include the following products in the American Bulldog's diet:
raw river fish (in boiled form is allowed);
legumes (peas, beans, etc.);
minced meat (poorly digested);
small tubular bones
Fresh white bread
uncooked eggs
American Bulldog Health and Diseases
Despite excellent endurance and good health, the American bulldog is susceptible to some diseases. of between it:
eye problems (strabismus, eyelid, cataracts);
Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints.
Skin diseases and allergies.
Congestive heart.
Congenital deafness.
heart disease;
The American bulldog often encounters difficulties during childbirth. However, do not think that by purchasing an American bulldog, you automatically become a sick owner. This breed retains vigor and thirst for life until old age. The rest depends on your attention and timely treatment of the pet.
How to choose a puppy
Choosing an American Bulldog puppy requires a lot of attention. From this stage begins acquaintance with representatives of a noble breed. One of them is destined to become your best friend, so treat the purchase of an American bulldog responsibly.
Purebred American Bulldogs can only be found in well-established kennels. The breeder must provide a certificate upon request of the results of the veterinary examination for each litter puppy. An absence like this is an occasion to think, and whether to take a healthy baby into your home? When examining puppies, the bitch should remain calm. If the dog is transferred to another room or does not want to show it to a potential buyer at all, this indirectly indicates his mental instability, which can pass on to puppies.
The ideal age for a child is from one and a half to three months. The most sociable, cheerful, and active child is by definition healthy. A shiny coat, wet nose, and playful eyes are further proof of this. If the American bulldog pulls his tail with cowardice or growls on an outstretched hand, then refuse to buy such a puppy: you will not be able to become a friend for many years.
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