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الرئيسية English Pointer Dog Breed

English Pointer Dog Breed

 The English Pointer is a member of the fine-haired, smooth-legged dog group originally from the United Kingdom. The breed is valued for its outstanding taste and communication, which allows its representatives to get along with the owner's family and pets.

In our 57 Dog Breed Registry, we will show you the English Pointer breed and talk about their origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as their training and the most common diseases that they usually come from. You'll find all about the English Pointer breed below. Read on.

a summary

Breed name: English Pointer
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Weight: 20-30 kg
Height (height at withers): Male 63-69cm, 61-66cm
Age: 12-13 years old


From English, the name of the breed is translated as “arrow”, because in the stand the pointer extends the body, head, and tail into one horizontal line, turning into a live pointer.

Unlike other hunting, pointers love to contact not only the owner but also the rest of the family. For this reason, it is not recommended to resettle the breed for permanent residence in a cage or booth.

The English pointer is often called aesthetics, for whom the process of hunting is more important than the final result.

Pointers are more likely to hunt than, for example, drathaars. The short, fine hair of a doe is unable to protect its body from sharp thorns and dry twigs.
Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a long upper sense. In the field, the dog must accurately identify the smell and stand at a distance of at least 8-12 meters from the bird.

The indicators are difficult to tolerate separation from the owner and loneliness in general so that the absence of the host should not be delayed for several days.

Because of the short coat, the breed is quite thermophilic, so hunting forays in the late autumn should be short-lived, especially if the supply of game from bodies of water is implied.

The English Pointer is a hunter-gatherer and loyal companion who knows how to turn any trip into the field into a great show for finding a feathered game. Combining the genes of most breeds of prey, this amazing "bird" has a tremendous taste and incredible diligence.

No wonder in hunting societies, pointers enjoy well-deserved respect, being considered as unique and elite pet owners. As befits an English aristocrat, the pointer is legible enough not to mix up work and household chores. You don't have to worry about your cat and other cute pets - outside of hunting, heirlooms won't encroach on their lives.

History of the English Pointer Breed

The ancestors of the breed appeared in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when the Old Spanish Pointers and Portuguese Brakks were brought to the British Isles. The import of animals was out of practical necessity: by that time the number of gametes in Europe had declined and more flexible and sensitive ones were needed to catch them than the wings of the English squire.

To make the Spanish panty more prey, the British crossed it with foxes and then with bulldogs. Subsequently, the resulting cross was supplemented with the blood of settlers, gray hounds, and old French marriages, adding restrained aristocracy to the appearance of pointers.

To participate in exhibitions, as an independent breed, English Pointers began in 1877. At about the same time, panties were brought to the United States, where they showed such great success in business that they outperformed the famous settlers among Americans. , pointers appeared much earlier than in the United States - the breed has been mentioned in the domestic print media since 1842. The animals were kept mainly by representatives of the noble class, who wrote native males and directly from England.

Curious fact: In England, the most famous pointer is Judy. Since 1936, the dog has lived on the British boat "Gnat", which with its crew survived the Battle of Singapore, shipwreck, Japanese captivity, and a month and a half of passing through the jungle. For saving the crew members' lives and dedication, Judy was awarded the Maria Deakin Medal.

English Pointer Dog Breed

According to the external characteristics, the indicator is an ideal heir: strong, hardy, but at the same time, it has not lost its natural grace and refinement of its appearance. On the outside of the breed, although in silent form, there is a noticeable resemblance to Foxhounds. As for the elegance of the silhouette and ease of movement, they switched to leggings from gray hounds and settlers. In the hunting environment, work with an English indicator is not so much evaluated for its effectiveness as the value of the hypnotic charm of the process itself.

The breed is looking for a toy with a smooth socket, in a position aligned with the back, muzzle, and tail in a common horizontal line. The animal looks very impressive in a position with the front paw raised - in this position artists of the nineteenth century loved to capture English pointers on their canvases.


The skull of the dog is harmonious, moderately wide, with a well-defined occipital tubercle and foot. The muzzle is at an acute angle, slightly sunken under the eyes.

Lips, teeth, and jaws
English Pointers have large, delicate lips. The reference type for the breed's bite is full scissors. The upper teeth are arranged in a row vertically, hanging above the lower teeth.


The back of the muzzle has a small depression in the middle, which makes the nose appear slightly upturned. The nostrils are large, moist, and soft. The lobe is painted in a dark color, which is slightly lighter in dogs with lemon white hair.

the eyes

Depending on the suit, the iris of the eyes can be light brown or brown. The skin of the eyelids at most indicators is dark, except for individuals with a lemon-white color. The expression of the eyes is intelligent and calm, without daring and defiance.


The delicate earpiece features a rounded tip, high position, and a tight fit over the head. The ears themselves are of medium length.

The elongated muscular neck is devoid of suspension, but has a slight bend and smoothly passes into the body.


The body of the English Pointer is strong and flexible but without excessive bulkiness. The wide strong chest smoothly narrows in the short convex lumbar region. The ribs are strongly bent and pulled back. The lower part of the chest goes down to the elbows, the croup is located in line with the lower back.

the parties

The legs of the English Pointer are smooth, boney, with excellently developed muscles. The forearms are strong, with pronounced tendons on the back. The shoulder blades are angled, placed at a good angle. The front part of the wrists is of a flat type, the inner part - protrudes slightly forward and passes into a long sloping comb.

The hind legs are muscular, with large hips, long tibias, and short metatarsals. The legs are oval, tightly grouped, with arched fingers and narrow platforms. The dog moves easily, sweepingly, with a strong push of the hind legs.

tail / rod

The tail is medium in length, very thick at the base, and pointed at the tip. The bar does not bend upwards and is not held higher than the level of the back. Waving it from side to side in motion is not acceptable.


The English Pointer's short hard coat has a natural, silky sheen. The hair is straight, evenly distributed throughout the body.


The most common suits of the breed are lemon white, black and white, liver white, and white orange. The rarest colors are solid and tricolor.

exclusion of vices

The severity of the external and behavioral defects directly affects the display profession of the animal. Individuals with minor defects in appearance are allowed in the ring, but the indicators that have lost their habits and appearance are not. Cowardly or aggressive dogs do not participate in exhibitions, do not adequately respond to the demands of the handler, refuse to perform in front of an audience, and also try to use force against runners and other four-legged people.

English cursor letter

Advanced hunting instincts have not crushed the inner companion and friend of a person in the pointer, so it will not be difficult to get along with a four-legged athlete. Unlike most hunting breeds, these intelligent "Englishmen" willingly listen not only to the opinion of the master, so that any member of the family with whom the puppy interacts will be able to correct the dog's behavior. The only caveat: in response to the readiness to cooperate, a person's attention is required in time, expressed in communication, joint games, and walks.

The territorial instincts of English Pointers are muted, so do not try to force the work of a guard on the breed. Yes, a bored dog can laugh phlegm at a stranger who opens the door, but his job as a guard ends there. Do not engage in pointer and catching of small pets, although sometimes they can accidentally fall on a running mouse.

The only thing that the breed has not yet managed to get along with is poultry, so going on vacation to the country, you will have to constantly keep your finger on the pulse. Neighbors' chickens, ducks, and geese lead the dodgers into an incredible temptation they can't resist.

When describing the nature of the pointer, breeders often joke that the breed has only two truly developed desires: running and hunting. Bringing home a descendant of the Spanish Barracks only makes sense when you're ready to run across fields and swamps with him. In other cases, it is better to prefer a restless indicator over a lower pet around the clock.

Regarding children, they are moderately patient and lenient. Of course, the dog will not turn into an attentive nanny, but he will gladly participate in outdoor games in which the youngest members of the family participate.

Fishing with a pointer

Pointers are highly specialized leggings, which work perfectly with a long-range sense. This means that the dog catches and isolates the scent of potential prey, spreading through the air with a series of other field scents. Having found the object of the pursuit, the dog must indicate this to the owner, making the situation.

The next stage of hunting is the kohl and raising the bird on the wing, that is, the animal must approach the feathered game and frighten it until the person makes the most accurate shot.

An important nuance in hunting with an English pointer is instinct loyalty. It happens that the dog makes a mistake and stands instead of the bird's seat (the location where the game was hiding earlier and from where it was able to fly away) or takes non-commercial birds for prey. In addition, the breed is distinguished by a quick search, during which the dog explores the entire territory of the field.

To fully work with the pointer, it is necessary to work on the skill of the movement of the shuttle - when the doe rushes in front of the hunter, crossing his path by moving along parallel lines. At the same time, the distance between each of these two similarities should be at least 10 meters, if hunting in the conditions of flat terrain.

Officially, indications are not focused on feeding a downed bird, but in practice, some individuals can do this. Of course, the dog must be taught to go into the water and swim for prey, but if you approach the process competently, then the formation of the skill will not take much time. The only difficulty is the heat-loving nature of the breed, due to which swimming in November ponds and swamps may not have the best effect on the health of the dog.

In the pursuit of wild trophies, do not forget about the elitism of the image of the breed, which was formed in the nineteenth century. The faithful call themselves hunting with the descendants of the Spanish barracks “ballet” and focus less on the result than on the aesthetics of the process. In this regard, attempts to retrain the pointer into a world hunter with the making of catch cause a negative attitude of specialists. It is believed that this approach devalues ​​the breed since the performance characteristics of leggings were formed over several centuries, not to change them due to the short-term desires of the owner.

As for the duration of the hunt, it may be different at the beginning and end of the season. If the doe goes out into the field or forest after a long break, she will not yet have enough endurance, which means that you can work with her no more than 3-4 hours a day. Moreover, if the indicator is small enough, then he should arrange a 15-minute break during the entire period of work. By the end of the hunting season, the dog becomes stronger and able to work longer, so the timing of game walks can be increased to 4 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. It is also unacceptable to take the pet for hunting for more than three days in a row - in the season, even the most tireless dogs need a break of a few days.

Teaching and training an English pointer dog

Professional breeders claim that training a Pointer is no more difficult than a German Pointer. By the way, hunters are initially bred and trained according to the same pattern as pets. Remember, if a dog is obedient and attentive in a home environment, it will behave similarly in working conditions. On the contrary, a pointer with bad will not become a patient hunter behavior who can get at least some kind of trophy.

The first stages of puppy training are socialization and the habit of teaching a person to obey. The child must unconditionally accept the authority of the owner, but not see in him a tyrant who generously “writes” punishments. In general, the method of calling the pointer should be restricted. Similarly, it is impossible to dissolve the inheritance and push it into a rigid framework, since this is not a service breed.

The first commands a future hunter must learn: "Lie down!" (It can be replaced with the command "Fall!"), "No!", "moving forward!". Usually, its development takes a lot of time and effort, but since hunting without controls is not anywhere, you will have to try.

Learn the right way to socialize a dog, it will help you

Many owners teach English-pinned puppies to move items. This is an acceptable and useful skill in the conditions of the upcoming hunt. However, it is important to understand that puppies just love to wear balls and bunches of feathers in their teeth. Over time, even among highly professional legal persons, the interest in transferring and presenting the game decreases, and it is not always possible to return it. If the pointer willingly jumped into the swamp to get a shot duck - you can think that you are very lucky to have a pet.

 They undergo preliminary training with the doe. At this stage, the puppy should be taught to walk at the foot, act on the call sign (mandatory access at the invitation of the owner), so that he can lie at a distance, and follow the direction indicated by the hunter.

The habit of following the owner's feet with the help of a leash is practiced in daily walking. Transfer to the dog's consciousness the fact that you cannot pull the harness and get out in front of the person. If the animal, even if it is not perfect, but obediently holds its feet, use stimulus therapy. They love it when they cheer for their successes, and in the future, they try to gain sensitivity legally.

Read the article How to raise a puppy the right way

Implementation of "The Lie!" The most difficult distance exercise, because is practiced on the street, where there are a lot of distractions. Along the way, you need to teach the dog to move in a certain direction. It is best to do this by combining the commands "Right!", "left!" Using the gestures of the index hands - it will be easier with their help to teach the search for the index shuttle. After passing the preparatory stage, it is allowed to continue, which consists of three basic skills - stretching, standing, and eyeliner.

An indicator extension is the ability to instantly isolate a bird's scent. And the faster the dog does this, the more valuable his work will be. Much has been written about the amazing attitude of pointers, so we can only add that ideally, the short extension should pass into a carved stand, which is produced in the breed at an instinctive level. Crowning fishing with a kohl pointer.

Having located the toy with the holder, the dog begins to approach it to scare him under the shot. However, in some cases, it is recommended to skip this step. For example, when searching for swamp chicken and corn cork. These birds do not always climb wings and often prefer to fly on the ground. As a result, instead of making kohl, the doe tries to follow the path of prey, which interferes with the hunting properties of the breed.

Punishment is an important point in the training and training of English language indicators. Experts recommend that the fetus be up to three months old, and very gently correct the incorrect behavior of dogs. For example, if the animal is naughty and does not ask to go to the toilet, it can be threatened by a slight sound or neck shaking.

Breeders offer arrogant little individuals to gently, but tactfully, shiver with a rod. True, it is necessary to carry out the "implementation" only in exceptional cases. For example, when a dog knows and understands a command, but refuses to implement it out of prejudice and stubbornness.

Tip: it is better not to try to twist the tick, but to lubricate it with oil or gasoline. After a few minutes, the blood-sucking insect will disappear on its own, and you will have the opportunity to treat the bite site with iodine.
If the dog does not hunt for a long time, then it grows long claws, and the paw pads flatten.

In this regard, before training and entering the field, the claws should be shortened, and the regrowth hair between the fingers should be cut off, which will make the pet's movements freer and eliminate the possibility of injuring the paws. Once a week, as well as after hunting, the ears of the pointer are checked, removing dirt and sulfur from them with clean rags soaked in hygienic lotion from the veterinary pharmacy.


As a true hunter, the English Pointer is supposed to be fed low-fat veal meat, a variety of meat offal, as well as offal. Sea fish, cut into strips, low-fat cheese, and chicken eggs are introduced into the diet several times a week to satisfy the body's need for protein. The source of fat for indicators can be butter and vegetable oils, as well as beef fat. True, the latter product is suitable for exceptionally healthy and active individuals.

The most popular dish among experienced indicators is meat porridge. It is boiled with rice and buckwheat, with the addition of pieces of carrot or pumpkin. It is beneficial for growing pets to include in the diet of calcium supplements selected by a veterinarian.

The frequency of feeding indicators is the same as for other hunting breeds. Up to two months of age, puppies are fed up to 6 times a day, from two to four months - 5 times, from four to five months - 4 times, from five months to six months - 3 times, from six months - twice a day.

Some breeders do not feed leggings before hunting, sincerely believing that on an empty stomach the pointer instinct is exacerbated and he is better focused on the process of tracking prey. The feeding of the dog must be enhanced while the hunting season, or else the animal will have nowhere to draw energy. True, to avoid volvulus, you need to treat the hunting indicator no later than 2 hours before leaving for the field, and it is better if it is not a heavy intestinal meal, but a small snack. More thoroughly, the leg is fed after the hunt - this is an ancient tradition that educates the dog to understand the importance of the working process.

Health and disease indicators of English

English Pointers are described by veterinarians as a strong and healthy breed, but with a predisposition to arthritis and hip dysplasia. With age, eye diseases can overtake animals - retinal dystrophy, corneal dysplasia, cataracts. Sometimes the indications are diagnosed as chronic inflammation of the cornea and extremities that appears mainly in people over 4 years of age.

How to choose a puppy

The best way to check the working genes of a breed is to go with bitches and males in the field to personally assess the quality and length of their run. Accordingly, if there is a professional hunter in your environment who sells his offspring from his wings, try to go out with him and his pets to play the game.

The presence of a field diploma for the English and male indicator does not guarantee the exploitation of hunting exploits in the offspring. If the achievements of the parents of the puppies are very important, give preference to those who have passed the Russian, but international field tests.

According to breeders, domestic pointer competitions do not reveal the hunting skills of dogs, but only confirm the presence of a hunting instinct and readiness for work.

You can check the puppies for courage and self-balance by simply lifting them off the ground. If the child screamed and exploded, and after being put on his feet he swerved or stood hesitating, then this indicates weakness of nature, as well as excessive shyness.

English Pointers, like all leggings, are very affectionate, but for hunting you should not choose a flat puppy, which endlessly rubs the breeder's legs, looking into the eyes. It is easier to train such personnel, but the effectiveness of fieldwork in them is low.

Keep in mind the puppy's temperament type. The course of the sputum indicator is slow and tortuous with a short search. Individuals in the Collie tank are more active and intelligent, but they sometimes participate in random searches and mating birds, in addition, they are not always obedient.

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