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الرئيسية Boerboel Dog Breed Information

Boerboel Dog Breed Information

 The Boerboel is a South African breed of large working dog that is known for their endurance and have developed an instinct to protect and guard. With such a pet, you always feel safe. In the dog57 dog breed registry, we'll show you what a Boerboel looks like, and talk about his origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as his training and the most common illnesses he typically suffers from.You'll find all about Boerboel below. Read.


a summary

Breed name: Bulbul

Country of Origin: South Africa

Weight: male 65-80 kg, 50-65 kg

Height (height at withers): Male 64-70cm, 59-65cm

Age: 10-12 years old


The breed is still not recognized by many dog ​​associations, including the FCI.

The desire to control and play the role of an alpha male in a burbula is quite obvious, so the dog needs an experienced owner who will not allow himself to be manipulated.

The South African Boerboel is as reliable as a rock when it comes to the safety of the host's belongings. If it comes to protecting human life, then the animal here does not show selectivity and with the same zeal protects its owner and family members.

With timely socialization, dogs can extinguish their own emotions, but it is very easy to provoke them into aggression. In Russia, there have already been cases of attacks by the boule on a person, some of which had a fatal outcome.

Boboli perfectly read the mood and feelings of the owner through facial expressions. Show your hatred to someone you know or ordinary passers-by - and the pet will hate this person.

A properly bred Boerboel is very patient towards children and easily forgives children even if leprosy is not the most pleasant for him.

The dog is calm about cats and other pets with which he has to share a living space, but another creature barking on its territory will not tolerate it.

South African Boerboels are slow to mature, keeping puppies in mind and habits until the age of two.

In training, representatives of this breed show a slight slowness and thoughtfulness. Don't expect from the Boerboel the versatility of a Border Collie and the quick reaction of a German Shepherd.

Public shows excellent results in pulling weight (cargo movement). An adult capable of moving cargo pallets with a total weight of 450 kg.

It is almost impossible to escape from representatives of this breed. Boerbouli is already developing maximum speed at the beginning and therefore does not leave the enemy any chance of salvation. 

Boerboel is an athletically built "fighter", with whom it is not terrible to walk through the most disadvantaged areas and dark alleys. Capable of fending off a sudden attack within seconds, this feral antelope is always on the alert and ready to defend its own master 365 days a year. It will not be easy to get along with a Boerboel: this is a character who respects the owner, not for beautiful eyes, but real merits. But if you still earn his favor and trust, then you can be sure of this - this is for life. 

History of the South African Boerboel Breed

Barboli settled in Africa in the seventeenth century, but it is quite possible to trace their history. It is believed that the ancestors of these fierce dogs were the European Molossians, who migrated to the southern part of the African continent along with immigrants from Scandinavia. Time passed, and the animals interbred with indigenous breeds, as well as other dogs that reached the mainland, which became the prerequisite for the birth of the Boerboel clan.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the blood of the English bulldog and the mastiff was mixed in the phenotype of the breed. The animals were brought with them by the British, who rushed to Cape Town to protect it from the encroachments of Napoleon. Afrikaner farmers also made a modest contribution to the development of the working qualities of the Boerboules, selecting only the most assertive and aggressive individuals to protect their own farms. This made the Boerboels a class of bodyguards and bodyguards, able to fight a whole host of housewives and other lovers of easy money on their own.

The twentieth century brought with it rampant urbanization and with it the oblivion of the rock. The peasant farms were destroyed, and the owners moved with Skarp to the narrow suburbs, so the need for a large bodyguard disappeared. Left to their own devices, the animals slowly degraded, so that by the 70s there was no pair of purebred boerboels in the vicinity of Cape Town. 

In the mid-80s, a group of zealous farmers undertook to restore the number of animals, for which it was necessary to equip an expedition and comb and cross the lands of today's South Africa. During the improvised "round", 250 boerboules were collected, most of which turned out to be unsuitable for breeding by mestizos. However, the breeders stubbornly did not give up, and in the end, about 70 animals managed to get registration and permission to mate.

In 1990, the Boerboel Breeders Association in Africa was opened, and in 2004, the WWB began its work in America - the first international organization dealing with the breeding and popularization of the breed. Very soon, dogs began to be interested in other countries, but the desire of ordinary people to see their tough and reckless guardian pets played a cruel joke with boerboels. Hoping to make animal breeding more profitable, breeders began to cultivate in their wings such character traits that are so desirable among buyers as ferocity and aggressiveness. As a result: entire lines of dogs are born with an unbalanced psyche. Denmark was the first to react to this, completely banning the breed from breeding. 

The emergence of Boerboel

Burbul is a tight, all-pumped "athlete" with an unexpectedly calm and smart look. It has a heavyweight and is far from a child (the growth of a normal male at the withers is 64-70 cm), which gives the impression of a very formidable creature, crossing its path literally dangerous to health.


Boerboels have a large, oblong skull with a flat crown, forehead, and a very blunt foot. The muzzle of the dog is wide, somewhat narrowed towards the tip of the nose. The optimal length of the muzzle is a little less than 1/2 of the length of the head.

teeth and bite

The main weapon of the Boerboel is its teeth, due to which the representatives of this breed are strong and powerful. It is desirable that the dog had some kind of bite in the form of scissors, although its direct version, as well as a snack without leaving, are also not considered disadvantages.


The large black nose lobe looks more voluminous due to the wide and open nostrils.

the eyes

A suitable bourboy should have dark brown eyes that are widely spaced and flatly round. Light colors of the iris are not very desirable, but quite acceptable.


The typical ear shape for a burbula is a regular triangle. The position of the ear cloth is wide and relatively high, while the ear itself is tightly pressed to the skull. If something catches the dog's attention, the base of the ear is raised, but usually not above the top line of the head.


Dogs of this breed have a very massive neck of medium length with a protruding neck and a slight hanging (the latter may be absent). 


Burbul has a dense, square-shaped trunk with a broad back and a strong, almost horizontal choke. The chest of the animal is deep, it is lowered almost to the elbows, the abdomen is moderately taut. 

the parties

The strong and massive legs of the Burbul are distinguished by a strong spine and good muscles. The hind limbs of the animal provide a springy impulse due to the natural angles of the joints and strong ligaments. The shoulder blades and elbows are tightly pressed against the torso, which gives the dog the necessary freedom and straightness of movements. The paws of boerboels are large, the fingers are arched, gathered in a large mass. The hind legs are somewhat slimmer than the front legs.


The burbula's tail can be turned off, and its natural length can be preserved - everything is determined by the preferences of the owner. The normal tail does not twist into a ring but reaches the length of the hock joint. The optimal length of the docked tail is 3 or 4 vertebrae.


The South African Burboel's coat is short, thick, and smooth.


Elastic and loose skin is a distinctive feature of berbol. Thanks to this feature, shallow wrinkles are collected on the forehead of the dog, and a light suspension is formed on the neck. In some areas of the body, the skin has black pigmentation, for example, around the eyelids, the lips, paw pads, genitals.


Thoroughbred Boerboels have a solid (beige) or dark gray fawn coat color. The distinctive black mask on the muzzle is an optional feature, although animals that don't have it look less elegant.

exclusion of vices

Any lack of appearance that has a strong contradiction with the norm is automatically considered a vice and threatens the animal with non-acceptance of exhibition events. In Boerboels, these disadvantages include: 

cowardice or aggression towards someone;

dimensions smaller or larger than those specified by the standard;

Very miniature skull.

Under a bite or snack.

pigmentation of the nose lobe, lips, the area around the eyes, and paw pads;

The blue color of the iris.

Stand type ears

Coat of black and piebald colors.

South African burbul character

Buying a Boerboel is a big lottery because due to commercial breeding, the character and temperament of the animals have undergone significant changes. So, for example, when buying two puppies in different kennels, there is a risk of growing a pair of classic opponents, one of which will embody wisdom, and the second - a stroke of aggression. So before buying, it would be good to clarify which breeding lines the breeder specializes in: fighting or classic.

If we talk about the ideal Boerboel, then first of all it must be controlled, balanced and friendly towards all family members without exception. Do not expect a representative of this breed to be happy with strangers, but he should not rip their pants to shreds either. A polite social dog may remain somewhat detached while chatting with a stranger, but rest assured, all this time he is carefully scanning your interlocutor. One threatening gesture in the direction of the owner - and the pet turns on full combat readiness, attacking the intruder.

Boerboel can madly adore its owner, but at the same time, he will not miss the opportunity to crush him under himself. Prepare for this confrontation, which usually begins in adolescence, in advance. This is not a faux pas, whose attempts at leadership cause tears of sincere affection, but a serious "fighter" who confesses only the cult of strength. If the dog does not respect the owner, then sooner or later he will enter into open conflict with him. Well, how Burbull's clashes with a guy usually end, is easy to guess. 

If anyone has had a South African Boerboel for disrespecting themselves, it's the kids. A professional babysitter will not get out of it (not the same mood), but making friends with an “African” child is not at all a burden. On the other hand, an unconditional dependence on the goodwill of such a large and earnest dog is not worth it, so constant control must be taken off the joint amusement of the child and the animal.

Do not look at the Boerboel as a stupid guard, suitable only for official activities. Yes, he is not a genius, but he is smart enough not to cause you problems in everyday life. In addition, do not forget that this is a breed whose intelligence must be constantly developed. Communicating a lot and training with the dog - get a calm and intelligent assistant. Give your pet the opportunity to hone protective qualities yourself - get ready to coexist with an uncontrollable person and not get acquainted with any dominant authority.

Education and Training

The South African Boerboel is at least trained for the safety of others. Representatives of this breed do not like lessons very much, so they should be motivated by a favorite treat or toy. As for the basics of home etiquette, they must be fixed with the pet for several years. Do not be indignant if the power boil periodically collapses and pretends that he forgot the previously successfully observed rules of conduct. With age, such "oblivion" passes.

It is necessary to start working with the dog in the first weeks of its appearance in the house. Ensure that the child is included in the blocking system. The puppy should not bite, play hugs with family members, stand on his hind legs and put his front paws on the person's shoulders, as well as pull the leash while walking outside. It is better to suppress attempts at disobedience sharply and somewhat rudely. If a young man in the game tries your hands with his teeth, then show the responsible animal here, sternly shouting at the bully and lifting him from the collar from the ground. 

On a walk, the animal should move freely on a leash, and not drag the owner running behind him in the clouds. Remember that the Boerboel is strong, and if you also stumble during the cornice, he will calmly lead you through the mud and puddles of tens of meters. Therefore, if a puppy tries to play dominant on the street and pulls on a belt, he is brought to his senses by a sharp jerk of a leash and commanded, for example, “Walk!”.

Perhaps most important to Boerboel and his owner is the plea "For me!". The exercise is difficult and long, but with such a dog you can not do without it. Show maximum patience, do not expect quick results, and be careful with penalties. If the puppy doesn't come to you right away, but ten or more minutes after the call, consider passing the test. If you risk punishing the Boerboel for the long and slow swing, which this breed has in the blood, you risk losing his confidence forever. The puppy will quickly draw a parallel between the command and the subsequent punishment and simply refuse to follow it.

Never and under any circumstances encourage pet anger. If the Boerboel rocks in at passing dogs and picks up commands, it must be tamed. At the same time, to frankly provoke and hope for his iron endurance is extremely stupid. So don't succumb to the momentary urge to hit the occasional Barbosa or cat in existence. With competitors, South Africa. 

Be consistent and don't make exceptions to the rules, even if you really want to. Burbul's intelligence is not so developed that he is able to divide prohibitions into strict and not very strict, so every indulgence awakens in him the desire to give a damn about the rules of obedience. Therefore, if you scold the pet for getting delicacies from strangers, do not allow your guests to harass the animal with sweets. Have hugs become a tradition? So don't throw a tantrum on a stained designer jacket.

Even if Boerboel learned all the commands and showed miracles of creativity and obedience, do not relax. Representatives of this breed like to periodically test the owners for strength. For example, when doing aerobics for the first time at home, a Boerboel may refuse to do the same on the show - not because he's shy. This crook definitely wants the owner to impress him, allowing the pet to wipe his claws on his own power. Do not be deceived by such tricks and strictly suppress the animal's attempts to control you.

Maintenance and care

Large and active barbule will not be very comfortable in a city apartment, although, as the experience of domestic breeding shows, it is ready to adapt to such conditions. Another thing is a country house with a cage and a cozy house, where no one will control every step of the pet. Despite the African past, Burbouli is so adapted to the cold of the Russian strip that outside the hut walls they feel natural. 

True, breeders do not advise leaving them for the winter in a wooden booth. Wintering in the cage not only spoils the outer part of the dog but also negatively affects the immune system. When placing a booth in the yard, be sure not to blow drafts into it, which Boerboels fear. Bedding is best for normal use. On Boer farms, animals can spend the night on the ground without health consequences - in Russian realities, such an extreme will not roll.

Owners who decide to settle a Boerboel in a city apartment will have to slightly smear the interior, or more precisely, cover the floors in the rooms with a cloth. On slippery parquet and laminate, the dog's legs will move away, which will provoke a defective situation and even injury. This also applies to high horizontal surfaces such as beds, chairs, and sofas. Climbing on it and diving is strictly prohibited on young Boerboel due to weak joints.

Be careful with the games. Of course, perbules need it, but for safety reasons, it is sometimes better to replace them with raw vegetables such as beets, a small head of cabbage or an apple. Ordinary rubber balls that a dog with strong jaws can easily bite into, tearing and chewing a piece of latex, which is fraught with further operations. 


It can be difficult to find a common language with Burbul, but it is relatively easy to take care of it. Representatives of this breed do not need daily combing and weekly baths, and you will have to spend money on cosmetics only if you have a show pet. Pets will be suitable for regular shampoo for dogs. Combing the dead hair, simultaneously massaging the skin of the animal, is certainly worth it, but if you miss a week or two, the barbula will not turn into a shaggy mass.

Washing "Africans" is allowed exclusively in the warm season and no more than once every two months. In winter, it is better to abandon bathing, replacing it with wiping wool with snow. Every 3 days, you should wash the dog's eyes with chamomile broth.

Experts recommend cleaning the ears of the burbula once a month, which does not excuse the owner from the daily examination of the rear funnel If you notice that a four-legged friend is shaking his head, you will have to consult a veterinarian. This is usually how animals react to an ear infection. Claws are worth pruning if they don't grind enough when walking, so the longer you walk with a boerboel, the better for both of you. The pet's teeth should still be cleaned, although they are rare, so every 3 months take garden toothpaste in your hands and treat the dog's oral cavity as often as possible. 


Walking with a boerboel is not a festive "bake" ride, but a dynamic mini-marathon. For normal well-being, the dog should walk 5 km or more per day, so feel free to overload the pet with training. It is best to walk the puppies in sparsely populated places, gradually changing the line of the road and looking at busy roads.

Outside the apartment, the burbull must go strictly on a leash, and in the future the puppy needs to learn two techniques of movement: on a short leash and on a long one. You can release the animal on vacant plots, where passers-by do not appear, although here you will have to monitor its movements. To do this, you often use the command "For me!" So that the dog does not relax. Be sure to play with the boerboel or come up with an interesting business for him. The dynasty's strength reserve is enormous, and it has to go somewhere. Don't let your pet run out of energy? He will give her an outlet in the house, with which she is unlikely to be happy. 


Of all the types of burboil, beef is the most suitable. It should be about half of the daily diet. Mutton, goat and horse meat are less useful, but as an alternative to beef they have a place to be. Among the byproducts, it is better to give preference to the scar, it has an optimal balance of muscle and adipose tissue. But with poultry meat, be careful. Give it occasionally and only to dogs who are already 3 months old. Include bone and cartilage in the diet of the growing barbula, it contains the collagen necessary for the joints of the dog. When deciding on the choice of fermented milk products, stop at 9% cottage cheese, live yogurt and refuse kefir, since yeast fungi provoke fermentation in the intestine. 

List of useful products for berbol:

boneless sea fish (except pollock);

chicken eggs (twice a week);

Rice and buckwheat.

vegetables (onions, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, radishes, any pumpkin);

Peaches and dried apricots.

do not give:

Grapes, bananas, and any citrus fruits.

potatoes (sometimes it is possible if the dog has a healthy digestive system);

Oatmeal and wheat groats.

cows milk. 

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Health and diseases of Alborbol

Outwardly, the non-weak boerboel is not really great. The weakest point of the breed is the musculoskeletal system, especially the joints, so that bursitis, arthritis, dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints - that's all about burbules. Chondroprotectors added by the owner to the food of a young puppy save the situation a little, but you should not rely too much on the healing power of the fertilizing. Burbuli and dysbacteriosis suffer, developing against the background of non-compliance with food standards, as well as due to the presence of worms in the body.

How to choose a puppy

Look at the pedigree of the puppy's parents. Animals must be registered with the RKF or have registration marks with HBSA, EBBASA, or SABT.

Champion titles for Barbuli producers must be confirmed by appropriate certifications. If a breeder has only vague wording in the inventory rather than the documents, it is pointless to spend time examining the puppies.

If possible, try to inspect the entire litter. A breed dog is not a Xerox, and every Boerboel bred has its individual advantages and disadvantages.

Test your puppy for performance. Swish the bag or click with your fingers. A child with the making of a guard will surely hear sudden sounds, perhaps even barks. 

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The optimal age for buying a burboel is 1.5-2 months. Then the puppy grows more intensively, which is why his appearance undergoes serious changes.

Gather maximum information about the breed. Go to fairs, visit training grounds, talk to boerboules owners. This will help you understand how ready you are to get a tough "African".

Choose a kennel whose staff provides advisory support to clients throughout the year. From them, you can learn the basic subtleties of caring for a young barbel. 

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