The English Setter is a friendly and affectionate creature whose personality combines childlike playfulness with the manners of an Aristocrat. Neither of these two animals prevents him from being a great hunter. At the dog57 dog breed registry, we'll show you what the English Whippet looks like, talking about its origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as its training and the most common illnesses it usually suffers from. You'll find all about the English Setter below. Read on.
a summary
Breed name: English setter
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Weight: males 25-36 kg, female 20-32 kg
Height (height at withers): Males 65-68cm, Females 61-65cm
Age: 10-12 years old
Despite the developed instincts, the English settlers do not show aggression either to strangers or to their four-legged brothers.
Representatives of the breed cannot live without active participation in the everyday bustle of the owner. These animals are not at all lonely, but very social creatures.
From the “Englishman”, it is difficult to bring an attentive and responsible guard: instead, the dog “kisses” a stranger rather than warn him.
The English Setter is perfect for families with children: it's hard to find a better tailgating nanny!
Representatives of the breed are not used to competing for the owner's territory and attention, so they will gladly accept a new friend: a cat and even a rabbit.
The gallery line of settlers is suitable for living in an apartment; The worker needs more space and the ability to stretch his claws in a fenced yard.
Learning new orders can be difficult due to the inherent stubbornness of some English settlers.
The breed needs careful daily care, which novice dog breeders do not always like.
The English Setter Dog is famous for its endurance. An elegant appearance, worthy of a royal person, hides a cheerful character and inexhaustible optimism. Creativity and well-developed intelligence are the main reasons why the English Settler is loved by both hunters and ordinary dog breeders.
Despite the energy and unwillingness to sit in one place, the animal rarely imposes its society on others. It is hard to find a friend more understanding and devoted than the setter even among his four-legged brothers. This is balanced and moderately social who will gladly keep company while walking in the park or watching the evening press release.
History of the English setter dynasty
The origin of the English setter is controversial and causes lively discussion among educators. Some attribute the role of the ancestors of the breed to the "Spaniards", others to the ancestors of modern Spaniards. The true roots of the settlers are unknown. The only indisputable fact is that this is an English breed, whatever its distant ancestors.
Recently, dog breeders are inclined to the second version. During the Renaissance, the Spaniards were very popular in Western Europe. At that time, there were two main types of this breed: for hunting in wetlands ("water") and on land ("field"). The most famous at that time was the spaniel mode.
Representatives of this breed were guided by a unique way of hunting birds. Noting this, the dog crept up and stood in the rack, attracting attention. The hunter wildly approached the prey and threw a net over it: firearms appeared much later.
The behavior of the animal during hunting determined the name of the future breed. The word comes from the English group - to designate. And indeed: the dog noticed the prey, and the dog indicated its location to the owner with the help of a conditional sign - a rack. Sometimes the name "setter" is mistakenly translated as "squat". Despite this, the version has the right to exist: during the hunt, the animal really “squats” on the ground to imperceptibly approach the game.
Initially, the choice of settlers was focused only on preserving the working qualities of dogs. Outward appearance did not cause interest and therefore was very diverse - just like the breeds with which the Spaniards were crossed: retrievers, gray hounds, hounds, and even poodles. The obtained samples were quite motley, but this did not detract from their hunting qualities.
The appearance of settlers attracted dog breeders only in the first half of the nineteenth century. At the same time, an interesting feature was revealed: even though all dogs belong to the same breed, their color varies strictly depending on the region. Scotland "protected" black settlers with a red tan. Ireland - Peugeot red and chestnut red; The southern part of England - white dogs with orange, black, or brown spots.
This pattern led breeders to distinguish three independent branches: Scottish (Gordon Setters), Irish (Red Setters), and English (with the appropriate name). Edouard Laverac took over work on the exterior of the last branch. He was a passionate hunter - it was this trait that drew attention to the settlers.
Sir Laverac started the breeding business with two specimens purchased from Reverend Harrison, Old Maul, and Ponto. The breeder planned to improve the breed by inbreeding - crossing animals that were related. He put his heart and soul into fifty years of selection, which paid off - the graceful and elegant exterior of the English setter.
Sir Edward's case was supported by fellow countryman Richard Llewellyn. Unlike his colleague, the breeder did not adhere to the breeding strategy, considering it necessary to dilute the gene pool of settlers with other breeds. This was the cause of the conflict, because of which the British continued to work on breeding dogs, but already independently of each other. Thus, two branches of the rock were formed: the Laverac and Lewellina lines.
In 1859, English settlers made their first appearance at an exhibition in Newcastle upon Tyne. The more often representatives of the breed participate in such performances, the more popular they are. The turning point in the history of the settlers was the 70s of the XIX century. The English Kennel Club got to know the breed and began keeping its pedigree book. At the same time, the first dogs set their feet on the territory of the New World, which caused another wave of the popularization of settlers. Ten years later, the American Kennel Club officially recognized the four-legged English Aristocrat, who eventually formed a new breed line - this time an American.
English settlers retain their popularity. Because of the long-term selection and class separation of the show, the hunting instincts of dogs are a bit lackluster. The laurels of the winner passed to other breeds (in particular, the Breton Spagnola). Despite this, the English are still used as friendly dogs, but more often they are found as friendly and energetic companions who know how to light up the most monotonous everyday life.
The emergence of the English setter
The English setter is a medium-sized breed. In these dogs, sexual dimorphism is traced: they look more elegant and developed than in males. However, in both cases, settlers differ in a proportionate and dry physique.
The breed standard determines the parameters of the animals. So, the height of the male at the withers reaches 65-68 cm, - 61-65 cm. Male individuals are heavier and more massive.
head and skull
The light head of the English tuner has a moderate length, and it lunges high and proud. In profile, parallel lines of the forehead and lower jaw are noticeable. The oval-shaped skull has a pronounced occipital tubercle and a wide frontal part - it provides enough space for the brain. The arches of the eyebrows give the dog's head a relief, protruding slightly forward.
Looking at the animal's head from above, it becomes noticeable that the straight muzzle is narrower compared to the skull. At the same time, its length coincides with the length from the foot to the back of the head (square type).
Under the eyes well filled. Moving from the forehead to the nose with a pronounced straight back. The flat cheeks of the setter practically do not stand out. The mobile nose lobe has wide nostrils - the main feature of the hound - pigmented in a black or brown shade. The lips fit snugly over the jaws, with the top hanging slightly over the bottom. Folds are formed at the corners of the mouth, but the mucous membrane is not exposed. The color of the edges of the lips coincides with the color.
The English setter's ears are positioned at eye level and directed slightly to the back of a dog's head. Soft and velvety texture, thin and tight. The shape is close to a triangle. The tips adjacent to the cheekbones are rounded. Covered with long hair.
the eyes
The eyes are planted deep and well-spaced. Oval-shaped, small. Eyelids are dry and tight. The incision is straight. The iris is colored brown (preferably darker shades). At the same time, spotted settlers have lighter pigmentation in their eyes. The appearance is intelligent and expressive.
jaws and teeth
Hunting breeds are distinguished by powerful jaws - and the English setter is no exception. Prefers a uniform bite in the form of scissors. Its direct form in animals over six years of age is not considered a defect. Strong teeth have a healthy white color. The incisors are located on the same level, the canines are pronounced. There is a complete formula - 42 teeth.
The elastic neck extends to the shoulders and is set very high. Its oval cross-section is noticeable when looking at the dog from the front. No comments, scruff is convex.
The body of the animal is perfectly balanced, so it looks elegant and light. The sturdy back features soft curves at the shoulder blades and corp. The chest is dry, the muscles acquire a clear outline in older dogs (from three years and older). The ribs are convex and elongated, especially at the back, which makes the setter's chest appear full. The straight and short back passes into the moderately convex lower back. Croup is beveled, with smooth outlines. The bottom line is smoothed, and the stomach is matched in moderation.
The tail of the English tuning device is planted slightly below the backline, thus its continuation. It is distinguished by an average length, as well as a straight or saber-shaped shape. It decreases from base to tip. In a calm state, the dog keeps the tail down, when excited, it raises it almost parallel to the ground. The wavy coat at the bottom of the tail gives it a resemblance to a feather.
front limbs
The humerus is articulated at right angles with the shoulder blades pulled back. There is almost no gap between the elbows and the chest of the inserter. Oval forearms smoothly pass into the metacarpal of small length. The fingers are collected in a "block" and end with powerful claws. The advanced claw pads are rough to the touch.
India's extremities
In the rack, they are directed backward. The legs are completely elongated. Broad thighs are articulated with the croup at a 90-degree angle. Lower legs are muscular. The joints of the limbs are dry. Short insteps pass into rounded claws with moderately convex pads. The space between the fingers is filled with wool, which can be cut before participating in the exhibition fairs.
Movement method
The English letters have graceful, light movements with a powerful push of the hind legs. The dog maintains a proud posture, while holding its head high. The front ends are carried farther forward when moving in the trot. With increasing speed and cadence, the animal brings its legs closer to the midline.
The breed is distinguished by "fouling" with a luxurious two- or three-year fur coat. Hair length varies depending on its location. The head and front surfaces of the limbs are covered with short hair, slightly elongated throughout the dog's body. In the area of the ears, chest, limbs, and tail, thicker and longer hairs form oches, "pants" and "feathers" on the tail.
To determine the spotted color of the setter, the word "Belton" is traditionally used, with a prefix attached to it and thus defining the color:
brown - liver;
Orange - orange.
Lemon - lemon.
black - blue
There is also a three-color version - brown or black spotted with a tan. For the breed, a uniform arrangement of spots without large spots is mandatory.
Possible vices
Even the slightest deviation from the norm is considered a defect. Among the most important are:
excessively wavy hair and forming a loop;
the high fit of the ears, their uncharacteristic size;
the roundness of the skull in the area between the ears;
an excessively short or long-tail;
indirect and/or wide eyes;
sharp and short snout with spots;
flat or barrel-shaped breasts;
Light pigmentation of the iris.
straight shoulders and/or carpal metacarpals;
sickle-shaped tail
narrow and curved back;
Retarded group.
The unqualified vices of the English language setter include:
solid red, brown or black color without spots;
excessive slouching and humping of the back;
aggressive or timed behavior;
thick, round and short neck;
Walking or heavy movements.
wedge-shaped head
the presence of profit fingers;
Yellow pigmentation of the eyes.
narrow position of the extremities;
Feet weakly visible.
Hook tail
Tail pes.
English character setter
The owners of the English settlers note: this is one of the most friendly and affectionate hunting breeds. Animals are human-oriented - sometimes too much. Instead of sleeping long on his favorite litter, the layer will prefer to spin under his feet, making himself feel periodic barking and participating in the owner's activities. It doesn't matter whether you're planning a trip to the store or watching TV shows, the dog will always make for a fun company.
The hypersociality of the "Brits" is the main reason why animals suffer from loneliness and constantly experience the fear of separation. To maintain the healthy and balanced psyche of the pet, it is not recommended to leave it unattended throughout the day. The settlers like to spend time in the company of the owner and are no less happily treated as guests in the house. The animal can easily jump on the chest and "kiss", with which not everyone will be happy.
From this it follows that the breed is not suitable for guarding the house. In each stranger, the dog sees a potential friend and does not seek to protect the territory entrusted to him. However, with the right upbringing, you can make an English setter moderately friendly, but don't expect enthusiastic protection of property from a pet. To do this, it is better to choose another breed - a giant schnauzer, an Airedale dog, or a larger Cane Corso.
The lack of conflict and the goodwill of the setter makes him an excellent dog for families with children. In games with young friends, the pet will show softness and patience, will not reveal its fangs in response to a careless poke, and will gladly participate in children's adventures. This type of company is best for an active and social dog. However, you should not leave her alone with a small child: the pet may not calculate the force and accidentally push your child during the game.
English settlers get along well with other pets. This breed is not prone to jealousy, domination, and the desire to defend its rights to the territory. On the contrary, the pet will be happy with its four-legged counterparts, which will help brighten up the feeling of loneliness in your absence. The "Englishman" needs the same energetic and temperamental friend who will not be intimidated by indomitable energy and will support any adventure - whether it is hunting for a fly or chasing a sunny "rabbit".
With competent socialization, a setter lives in the same territory and with pets of small sizes. Sad consequences can turn into a game with decorative rodents and birds, but only by chance. Otherwise, the instincts of the "English man" do not provide for the pursuit of prey, since the task of the setter is to indicate the location of the game with the help of a rack, and not to catch it.
This breed is divided into two lines - working and exhibition, but both need active walking. At the same time, dogs of the show class can be content with long walks and the opportunity to run in the fresh air. It is desirable to keep working dogs in a private house with a spacious fenced yard: these pets can lead even the most trained athletes to a pulp.
It is logical to assume that the line of work of the English settlers is not suitable for keeping in an apartment. Lack of physical activity will make the dog uncontrollable. Trying to sprinkle the accumulated energy, pets can arrange a real massacre in your absence, so get ready for an unpleasant surprise.
As for the galley copies, they are very comfortable living in the apartment. Moreover: after a walk, the setter magically transforms into a sofa potato and spends the rest of the day on the couch next to the owner.
As befits a hound, the Englishman loves hunting so much that he is willing to sacrifice food and sleep for the chance to follow his instincts and find prey in the tall grass. Flair and excellent tracking skills make for a versatile friend setter, whose talent is recognized by fishermen from around the world.
Education and Training
Representatives of the breed are very trainable and obedient, but still, they cannot do without difficulties. Because of his windy temper, the "Englishman" may seem disobedient, so the owner will have to make efforts for education and training, not forgetting to first stock up on iron patience.
Choosing a setter as a pet implies a strict hierarchy in the family. The puppy must understand that only one person is involved in his feeding and raising - his owner, who must be obeyed. Make consistent and firm demands on your pet: otherwise, the animal will not understand the reaction you expect from it. At the same time, you should not go to extremes: raise your voice at the dog or, on the contrary, get carried away by every joke.
Set rules that no puppy should break. It is necessary to adhere to unanimity in the education of the scribe. If one family member scolds the child for the spoiled slippers, and the other praises the treat and treats it secretly, then the animal will never grow obedient.
The English settlers are the owners of developed intelligence, which allows them to learn the most commands, and in the shortest possible time. The main thing is not to expect undoubted submission from the pet: this breed is not as obedient as the Australian or Border Collie. If your team does not like the setter, it will be difficult to get the pet to do what you want. At the same time, some representatives of the breed are afraid of inconvenience to the owner and prefer not to do anything, not to carry out the matter poorly.
Young settlers tend to stay away from the game and don't always listen to your words. You will have to make sure to establish contact with your pet. The next step is to unobtrusively and gently return the attention of the "Englishman" to the training process. Imagine you have a small child in front of you, you can't raise your voice to him, and act. In this breed there is a small amount of stubbornness, so you must learn to prevail over it.
English settlers like to pick up frisbee, run, and catch the ball thrown by the owner. If you want to occupy your pet with something more exciting, pay attention to the obstacle run or crime.
Care and maintenance
An English setter needs daily and thorough care. The reason for this is a long and thick coat, the main object of pride of the breed. These dogs molt abundantly, which is especially noticeable among owners of white pets. Before purchasing an English Man, make sure that members of your family are not allergic to wool. Be prepared for the fact that regular wet cleaning will become an integral part of life along with the appearance of a setter.
The animal's coat needs to be thoroughly combed daily. Use a comb or a brush with natural bristles: in addition to removing dead hair and dust, this device will provide your pet with a gentle massage. When combing a setter, pay special attention to the long hair on the paws and tail of the dog: here the barbs are often formed.
Trimming the coat will not be superfluous. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialist, and not arrange a beauty salon at home. Representatives of the show line of settlers need this procedure every five to six weeks, while the working line needs it more often.
The coat of the English setter is covered with a thin fatty shell, which protects the hair from dirt and acts as a water-repellent barrier. Don't bathe regularly: Even a mild dog shampoo can "wash away" its natural protection. It is sufficient to arrange bathing procedures for the wearer once every ten days or as necessary. Going for a walk in the fall or winter, it is recommended that the animal be dressed in a waterproof wetsuit.
The long, drooping ears of a dog accumulate fat and dirt, which can cause otitis media, which eventually develops into a chronic one. At least once a week, clean the ears of the "Englishman" with a cotton pad. As an auxiliary substance, you can use boric acid or another substance with a drying effect.
Washing the eyes of the setter is no less mandatory, while it is better to use brewed tea. In extreme cases, running water is also suitable. If your eyes are watery, inspect them carefully and rinse them well if foreign particles are detected.
Despite being overly active, English settlers rarely grind their claws sufficiently. The reason lies in the fact that animals prefer to run on the ground, and not on the asphalt. When growing back, the claws can create uncomfortable sensations and force your pet to limp. Use a claw cutter for large breeds of dogs and shorten the claws once a month. A nail file will help smooth out sharp edges and serrations.
The oral cavity of the "English man" is no less demanding in care. The teeth of the setter are cleaned with a special nozzle on the finger, using a paste for dogs. In no case do not share your hygiene product with your pet! Substances contained in "human" toothpaste can cause an allergic reaction and even poisoning.
English settlers are vulnerable to drafts. Take care of corner equipment that is comfortable and protected from any gusts of wind. A soft bed or a small orthopedic mattress for children is ideal.
Speaking about dog nutrition, it should be noted that settlers are not prone to obesity, because they are instinctively limited to food. After determining the exact portion size, you will not have difficulty feeding your pet. If the animal empties the bowl and continues to lick it, it still feels hungry. Do not be afraid to give an extra portion: the food-setter will never be absorbed by gred, as if he were truly an English aristocrat. The best choice to feed your pet is a competent blend of natural food and premium food.
An English setter needs a lot of protein, so be sure to include boneless meat and sea fish in her diet. Both products must be served raw, pre-scaled with boiling water, and cut into pieces. Combine meat with rice and buckwheat porridge. Do not forget to treat your pet with vegetables and fruits. As a breakfast, it is recommended to give fermented milk products to the giver.
When choosing elite food, pay attention to options with a complete absence of vegetable proteins, preservatives, and dyes. It is also good because it contains a vitamin-mineral complex that is necessary for the animal to maintain good health. If you prefer to feed your dog mostly dry food, be sure to provide round-the-clock access to clean water. Bottled or pre-settled for 6-8 hours is the most appropriate.
Exclude the following products from the diet of the English baby:
milk (relevant for dogs aged 4 months);
fatty meat (in particular, pork);
Tubular bones of any size.
boiled and raw river fish;
Chocolate and other sweets.
Raw yeast dough.
Mushrooms in any form.
Berries with stones.
raw eggs
Health and Diseases of the English Setter
The excellent health of the representatives of the breed is because breeders have always chosen the strongest dogs without genetic defects for breeding. Despite this, the English settlers were still susceptible to some diseases:
Congenital hypertrophy of the esophagus.
Purulent inflammation of the uterus.
Hip dysplasia.
Bone tumors.
limb paralysis.
Congenital deafness.
Food allergy.
Retinal atrophy.
volvulus of the intestine.
Eyelid reversal.
ear infection.
Otherwise, the "British" are considered dogs with good immunity, which can resist the most common diseases.
How to choose a puppy
You will only get a purebred English setter in specialized kennels or from a breeder who breeds the breed. To save money, many often buy puppies from their own hands or at the bird market, and this is a mistake. Miser pays twice, and in the case of a setter, you can get a pet with deviations from the norm or a group of hereditary diseases.
English Setter puppies are born without a spot, which begins to appear and thicken with age.
Do not rush to choose a puppy in the kennel. Ask the breeder to show you the four-legged pair from which the litter originated, and keep an eye on all the puppies. Try to determine whether there are defective children among them: deaf, blind, with obvious defects of the breed. If these puppies are present, do not bother to indicate if the breeder can show pictures of the transplanted settlers from the previous litter. So you can determine how "standard" and healthy your pet is waiting for you.
How to choose one child among all the charming Orava? Make a selection (required sex, color, and degree of compliance with the breed standard) and observe the pups. Evaluate the setter's behavior as a whole, his way of playing, and even his gait. A healthy child should be moderately active and inquisitive.
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