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الرئيسية Feeding times for your dog

Feeding times for your dog


 The rules for feeding dogs are a serious and important topic because the health of a pet directly depends on the quality of its nutrition. In the dog57 breed registry, we will show you the basic rules for feeding a dog and how often should I feed my dog?

And of course, you will find everything about proper nutrition. If we are talking about ready-made feed, then in this case it is enough to consult with a veterinarian or breeder about which brand of feed to choose and how to calculate the portion. More question arises if you plan to feed the dog with regular products. below. Read on.

Basic rules for feeding a dog

To date, many studies have been conducted on the issue of proper nutrition of dogs, but so far on some issues experts can not agree on a single opinion. But there are still basic rules for feeding pets:

It is good to eat in moderation. Do not rely on determining the dog's appetite. Oftentimes they eat a lot more than they need. The experiment will only tell you how much food is needed for the pet so that it is full and does not overeat.

The dog has enough 20 minutes to saturate. It is highly recommended to clean the food after 20 minutes of application. At the same time, you should not pay attention to how much the dog eats, even if it does not touch the food at all. With such feeding, the pet will not have poor quality, standing for half a day of food, and will get used to eating on schedule.

Two meals a day is sufficient. For an adult pet, two meals a day are the norm. You should adhere to a temporary regime and the same portions of food.

Food does not need to be salted. All foods contain salt and this amount is quite enough for a dog.

Potholder required. You can buy a special stand or make your own. It will allow you to place bowls of food at the level of the animal's cut so that the dog does not tilt. A convenient option is a device on tripods, with which you can adjust the height of the stand.

It is necessary to provide the dog with fresh water. This is especially important when feeding a pet ready-to-eat food. A bowl of water is also installed on the holder. Even if the pet has water left in the evening, in the morning it is necessary to replace it with fresh water.

It is necessary to give preference to the most valuable products. For example, it is impossible to replace a portion of meat with grains or vegetables outside of the economy.

It is not necessary to offer pets a double standard when skipping feeding. If there is a failure of the situation, you should not shift the schedule and try to feed the dog more. The part must be the same.

Experimentally, it is necessary to determine the necessary portion. If the pet eats all the food at a time and licks the dishes cleanly, then it is worth increasing the portion a little. After some time, it will be possible to find out how much food the dog needs to be full and not gain extra weight.

When overeating, the dog will begin to gain excess weight, become less mobile, and, of course, lazy. In this case, the portion of food is reduced, and the duration of walking increases. If the dog has food in the bowl, you need to make the portions smaller.

The dog needs a variety of food. If the animal prefers a certain food, this does not mean that it is not necessary to introduce new products. In most cases, dogs get bored with the monotony, and this is a great moment to try something new.

It is necessary to keep the time between walking and feeding. If the dog has a long walk, training, and any other physical activity, then food should be given to him no later than two hours before the event. After actively spending time, you need to wait at least an hour, and until then feed, otherwise, the dog's well-being may significantly deteriorate.

How often should I feed my dog?

The frequency of feedings depends on the age, and the portion size depends on the weight of the dog. Puppies up to six months are recommended to be fed 4 times a day, from 6 months to a year - 3 times, and after a year - 2 times a day.

Adult dogs on normal feeding need daily an amount of food equal to 3-5% of the dog's weight. Puppies up to 6 months - 5-7%. If you feed your dog dry food, check the packaging: it indicates the right amount of food according to the dog's weight and activity level.

What do you feed your dog?

If we consider the percentage, then the diet of a healthy adult dog should look like this:
from 30 to 50% - meat and offal;
from 25 to 35% - grain;
from 20 to 30% - dairy products;
From 10 to 15% - vegetables.

The ideal option can be called a diet that consists largely of meat and products, in which grains and vegetables are given an additional dairy role. In this case, fish and meat in the diet should be at least 50% (more is possible), an average of 35% of dairy products, 10-15% of cereals and vegetables.

This list indicates that keeping a dog is expensive, and not everyone can afford it. However, when acquiring a pet, a person should understand that this animal is by no means a herbivore and requires feeding with meat.

It is optional to give the dog milk every day, you can take a break for a day or two. These products can be replaced with poultry meat, offal, and fish.

It is important to note the following points:

You can not give dairy products with meat or vegetables in one feed.
Dairy products are always given separately.
Meat can be given on its own or stirred with chopped vegetables;
Meat products can be given to the dog raw or subjected to heat treatment.
To the meat, you can add vegetable oil and finely chopped fresh herbs.

Natural or fodder?

There is no unequivocal opinion about what is better: dry or natural food. Both options have their pros and cons: for example, cooking food for a dog is longer than pouring dry food into a bowl. But dry food may not be suitable for the dog and cause allergies. Therefore, do not experiment on your own, but contact the veterinarian: he will tell you what food to feed the dog.

If food is urgently needed and there is no time to consult a veterinarian, remember: cheap food cannot be good, because it is made from the cheapest raw materials. Pay attention to the dyes (the more of them, the worse the nutrition) and comply with the rules of storage (the packaging in which a layer of dust has been deposited should not be taken).

Digestion in a dog begins in the oral cavity: although the teeth are not designed to grind food, they are necessary for grinding it. Dry dog food is swallowed without chewing, and the teeth do not perform their function, so you will have to take care of them additionally.

Dry food is a complete diet that does not require any additives: it already contains all the vitamins and trace elements that dogs need. Delicious treats are an option for those who feed their dog naturally. In this case, it is important to observe a balance: the diet should consist of 50-70% of meat, 30%-40% of dairy products, 10-20% of vegetables, and 10-15% of cereals. If you choose natural feeding, remember the foods that you cannot give the dog.

In what form is it better to give meat

There are two opposing opinions about raw meat - some experts argue that it is impossible to give it in this form to a pet in any case, while others, on the contrary, that raw meat is a natural believe food for predators.

There is some truth in both cases - raw meat is completely digested by the dog's digestive system, but are pet owners always sure that it is not infected with any microorganisms? If the products are purchased in specialized stores and undergo special examinations, then it is quite possible to pamper a four-legged friend with them.

Meat must undergo deep freezing for two to three days, then thaw, and only after that give it to the dog food. If there is no time to engage in freezing, then you can cook the meat until it is cooked in water or with cereals.
When calculating the amount of meat, you should proceed from the following proportions - 20 grams of food per kilogram of pet weight.

For example, an adult Spaniel should eat an average of a quarter of a kilogram of meat per day, while a German or Eastern European shepherd needs 700-800 grams. Of course, these are average numbers, and each owner must calculate the parameters individually.

What is the best meat to choose

Among the main types, beef with a low-fat content prevails. Then there is rabbit meat, lamb, and horse meat. These products are low in fat and high in calories. It is not recommended to give minced meat and pork to pets.
To feed the dog, offal is perfect - liver, heart, lung, stomach, kidneys, etc., but then it is necessary to increase their amount by about a third to justify the meat consumed daily.

Poultry meat (chicken, quail, turkey) and offal (hearts, stomachs, necks, liver, etc.) can be given to dogs, but only if they do not have digestive problems. However, it is impossible to completely replace meat with offal.

In what form to give the dogfish

It is not forbidden to feed the dog with fish, only the rate of the product should be doubled and it is recommended to give it no more than twice a week. Often there is such a thing that pets refuse to fish. In this case, it can simply be removed from the diet without any consequences. You can also change the types of fish constantly and you may be able to find one that will suit the pet's taste.

It is permissible to give marine species of fish in raw form, but if there is a share of doubt, you can freeze for two or three days. As for the river, it requires mandatory freezing or heat treatment. Whatever the fish is, you will have to tinker with it, because before giving it to the dog, you need to remove all the bones from it.

Among the problematic cheap and small options, you can choose bulls. If the pet likes it, then it can simply be boiled well and the bones should not be touched.

Dairy products in the dog's diet

Oftentimes, dog owners are at a crossroads, as there is a lot of contrary information about what dairy products can be given to dogs, and whatnot.

If the pet has a weak digestive system, it is better to abandon fatty foods in favor of those with a fat content of no more than 5%.

As for low-fat dairy products, this is not the best choice for a dog.
Among the most suitable products can be noted the following:
Yogurt (without sugar and various additives);
Adult dogs are not recommended to drink milk. As additives to dairy products, honey is perfect (0.5 teaspoons per serving), and cottage cheese can be enriched with calcium chloride.

cereal for dogs

It is better to boil cereals based on vegetable or meat broth. You can cook meat and offal in the grain itself. Do not give the dog legumes (peas, beans, lentils), corn, barley, and semolina. Buckwheat, Hercules, rice, wheat, and barley are well suited.

Subject to some rules and recommendations of specialists on feeding your beloved pet, you can be sure of its normal development and absolute health!

What can not be fed to a dog?

You can give the dog raw or boiled lean meat: beef, turkey, chicken and offal, fish. You can not - pork, lamb, and meat products from the human table: dumplings, sausages, cutlets.
From cereals, dogs are given buckwheat or rice, but some, for example, oatmeal or pearl barley are not suitable for dogs.
Raw vegetables are given: cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes in small quantities, greens (except for sorrel and rhubarb). And also fruits and berries: little by little you can almost everything, except for citrus fruits, grapes, persimmons, melons, and melons. Of the vegetables, beets and potatoes are contraindicated. They have a lot of starch, which is not absorbed by the dog's body.
You can not milk, but you can low-fat fermented milk products. It is better to give boiled egg whites and raw egg yolks. Cashews and almonds give several grains a day, but hazelnuts and pistachios should not be given. Low-fat cottage cheese is suitable as a delicacy.
What is categorically impossible: salt, spices, sauces, white bread, sugar, chocolate, legumes, mushrooms. No food from the table, nothing fried, salty, or spicy. Dog digestion is not arranged in the same way as in humans, so the pet's nutrition should be different.

The main thing in the dog's diet is meat with bones and not bare-bones, but bones with meat and only in raw form. Litter 1 time per week and fish 1 time per week, all fish should be frozen for 2 weeks, liver no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, raw egg with 1 meal per week.

With such food, the dog does not overheat. At the beginning of the transition from dry food to raw meat, there may be diarrhea and mucus, this usually lasts about a week, but then everything returns to normal. They do not need cereals and vegetables per 10 kg of weight 1 tablespoon, milk is optional. With diarrhea, kefir well helps restore the intestinal flora. 

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