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الرئيسية Rottweiler dog _ information

Rottweiler dog _ information

The Rottweiler is a born protector and trusted keeper with a strong independent personality. Intelligent, serious, and infinitely loyal to the master. With such a pet you always feel safe. In the Dog57 breed registry, we'll show you what a Rottweiler looks like, talk about his origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as his training and the most common diseases he usually suffers from. Rottweiler below. Read. 

Description of the Rottweiler breed. 

Breed name: Rottweiler
Country of Origin: Germany
The time of the origin of the breed: the middle of the eighteenth century
Weight: male ~50kg, ~45kg
Height (height at withers): Male 61-70cm, 56-65cm
Age: 11-12 years

Rottweilers reach full physical and psychological maturity at the age of two.
It requires prolonged walking in combination with active games and physical exertion.

They need a serious and strong mentor. They will create a lot of problems for inexperienced owners who do not have the necessary skills to work with the service.

Rottweilers do not tolerate high temperatures, but in the cold, they feel quite comfortable, thanks to the dense undercoat.

They recognize the dominant role of the owner but do not accept violence against their person.

Intelligent and able to make decisions at lightning speed if there is a threat to human life and health.

She is distinguished by a good appetite, thanks to which she can quickly "eat" excess weight and lose shape.

They get along well with the pets they have grown up with.

Small dogs and puppies are treated with indifference and disdain. Large individuals, feel like competitors and often provoke them to fight.

Animals that have not passed the mandatory training course are usually uncontrollable and pose a danger not only to others but also to their owner.  

 some Rottweiler traits. 

Rottweilers are serious and energetic Monsters whose main goal is to serve man. From the Rottweilers are obtained the best rescuers and guides, ready at any moment to risk their lives in the name of human salvation. On the street, these muscular beauties are embodied as menacing and cautious. They are energetic, observant, and always in control of the situation. However, as soon as the dog returns home, an affectionate sloth wakes up in it, occupies a soft sofa, and is ready to soak up delicacies in kilograms. 

The history of the Rottweiler dynasty

On the territory of Western Europe, the ancestors of the Rottweilers - molossus - made their way with the hordes of Claudius Augustus, after Roman chariots crossed the Alps and crushed the southern part of modern Germany. The soil of the new colony was distinguished by fertility, so the Molossus quickly found a worthy occupation here: large and ferocious dogs began to guard and graze livestock.

The breed received its name in honor of the city of Rottweiler in southwestern Germany. Located at the crossroads of trade routes and surrounded by the turbulent Neckar, this regional corner was the main supplier of meat to the German principalities. Well, since there were a lot of hunters eating this nutritious product for free in the Middle Ages, specially trained dogs took part in protecting the meat carts of the Rottweiler. By the way, at first, the four-legged guards were called Metzger hound, which means butcher.

Rottweiler burgers were willingly used strong and dangerous not only as guards but also as carriers of meat products. Carted Rottweilers made juicy steaks and sirloin, thus saving owners from the need to keep livestock. However, after the railways passed through the Rottweiler and the shepherds were able to transport their goods in a new and faster way, the need for dog breeding disappeared, and the breed gradually began to decline.

The Rottweilers were remembered only at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to a strange case that was widely covered by the German press. The essence of the incident was that during a quarrel with the sailors who walked, wachmisr of the Stuttgart police set his Rottweiler against violators of the order. The animal in a matter of minutes "resolved" a serious conflict, turning the brave sailors into a shameful journey. After this incident, the breed regained its previously lost popularity and by 1921 had its fan club. 

What is a Rottweiler supposed to look like? 

Rottweilers are athletes in the canine world. These tightly torn and “pumped” beauties fall into the soul precisely with their ruthless power. It smells of calm and reliability. The standard weight of an adult male is 50 kg, - up to 45 kg.


The skull is of medium size, with well-developed arcs of the cheekbones and a convex forehead. There is a noticeable occipital tubercle. The snout is soft, broad at the base, and tapering towards the nose.


The lobe is black, slightly "stretched" in width, with impressive gills.

teeth and jaws

Rottweiler jaws are huge, sufficiently wide. The bite is "scissors". Teeth are strong and strong. The ideal number of teeth is 42.

the eyes

Almond-shaped, small, with eyelids tightly fitting to the eyeball. The reference shade for the iris is dark brown. The view is open and bold but without aggression and malice.


Rottweiler's ears are small, hanging, triangular. Setting high and wide at the same time. The edge of the ear is closely adjacent to the zygomatic region, which creates the illusion of a wide and massive forehead.


Muscle, but "dried" type, is not very long. At the top, there is a slight curvature. 


Strong, laid back in combination with a short, dense lower back and a rounded set. The chest is wide and deep. The breast bone is huge. The thigh area is noticeably tighter.

the parties
The front legs are soft. The shoulders are close to the sternum, and the elbows are pressed to the dog's body. The angle of inclination of the blades is 45 degrees. The forearms and the carpal metacarpal are developed. The hind limbs of the Rottweiler are smooth, set at some distance from each other.

Thighs of elongated type, with good muscles. The angles of the joints are sharp. Paws are rounded, hard, compressed into a "block". Flexible platforms. The claws are short but strong. The hind legs are noticeably longer than the front legs.


The Rottweiler's tail is elongated, with the upper line continuing from the back. It is not subject to mandatory cupping, so this procedure is carried out exclusively on the initiative of the breeder.

leather and wool
The skin is soft. On the head, it gathers in shallow longitudinal wrinkles if the dog shows curiosity. According to the standard, the skin folds on the skull in a calm state are unacceptable. The undercoat is uniform: a short thick undercoat + a strong covering coat, tightly attached to the body. On the hind legs, the hair is longer.


The color of the Rottweiler is black, with a well-defined red-brown tan. Tan locations: throat, chest, legs, cheekbones, and the area under the eyes. 

The nature of the Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a born fighter, ready to defend his owner 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. At the same time, in a casual environment, these muscular bodyguards turn into charming who love to take a nap or make a fool of themselves in the company of nice people.

They get along well with children, patiently tolerate pranks and whims, and gladly perform small tasks for the rest of the family. However, outside your apartment, the kindness of the representatives of this breed does not spread. Any stranger, whether a young child or an adult, is considered a potential threat by a Rottweiler, and this rule of the animal never changes.

The Rottweiler is for one owner. It is difficult for animals to tolerate a change of ownership: they fall into depression, rush to run, detect uncontrolled aggression. If you are in the presence of a pet or have treated another animal, be prepared to watch the dog's discontent and jealousy in all its glory. Rottweilers do not like to share the owner's attention with the other four-legged brethren.

Paradoxically, representatives of this breed are very sensitive to noise, fuss, and internal conflicts. If the owners often find out the relationship among themselves on elevated tones, then this necessarily affects the mental health of the pet. Rottweilers who grow up in such a nervous environment, as a rule, have deviations in behavior and show aggression even towards their owners.
The Rottweiler attacks the offender quickly and without warning.

Representatives of this breed do not feel pain, so it is almost impossible to pull out the attacked person or another animal. At the same time, Rottweilers are not particularly vindictive: after a fight, the dog cools down very quickly, without making repeated attempts to attack. 

Care and maintenance

Maintaining service is always a huge responsibility, as these animals require a steady hand and constant control. Of course, the Rottweiler can take root in an apartment, but the best habitat for bodyguard dogs will be a country house with a booth and an equipped cage in the yard. In the warm season, the animal can be left in the cage around the clock, but with the onset of frost, it must be taken to a heated room or taken home.

Rottweilers are supposed to walk twice a day, at least for 10-20 minutes, preferably an hour and a half. Walking should be combined with intense physical exertion and active games to maintain the shape of the pet. By the way, not all representatives of this breed like physical activity: many individuals prefer to run for many hours lying on the sofa. In such cases, the dog should be artificially stimulated by praise or the promise of a treat.


Rottweiler care will not take much time. Comb the dog a couple of times a week, bathe it 2-3 times a year, and the rest of the time is limited only to washing the pet's paws after walking. Animals' claws are cut as needed, which may never happen, because, in Rottweilers leading an active lifestyle, the claw plate naturally grinds. Once a week, you should make time to check and clean your ears. The ear funnel is cleaned with a dry or alcohol-free cloth. Dogs' teeth are cleaned with a gauze swab with soda 4 times a month.


Adults are fed twice a day, and puppies under six months of age are advised to feed three times a day. The daily rate of food should not be more than 5% of the total body weight of the animal. The amount of industrial food is calculated by the formula: 20-40 g of "drying" per kilogram of the dog's weight.

Since most individuals tend to overeat, the number of calories a dog consumes must be carefully monitored. In particular, it is useful for animals that overeat or begin to gain weight, it is useful to reduce the "rations". The same should be done with older dogs, whose metabolism is no longer so intense. In particular, "Retirees" reduce the amount of carbohydrate-containing products, but at the same time increase the frequency of feeding (up to 3 times). Once a week, Rottweilers are given a fasting day on fermented milk products and water.

The list of products that must be present in the diet of an adult Rottweiler:
lean meat (lamb, rabbit, lamb, beef) or offal;

raw or boiled fillets of marine fish;
raw or boiled eggs (twice a week);
Fermented milk products.
cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat);
Vegetable oil
Do not give your pet:
Sweets and chocolate.
Tubular bones and fish
citrus fruits.
river fish
The food bowl is placed on a stand perpendicular to the level of the dog's chest, which helps to form the correct posture of the puppy. The dishes from which the Rottweiler eats should be enameled, metallic, or ceramic, but in no case plastic.

Important: Rottweilers are fed only warm food. The use of excessively cold or hot dishes provokes gastritis in the animal.

As for dry food, here you should give preference to premium options for the "all-inclusive" category. It is forbidden to mix “drying” with natural products, while the alternation of wet and dry synthetic feed is welcome.

Discipline in feeding Rottweilers is a cruel necessity. The pet's bowl should be filled with food twice a day and cleaned 15 minutes after the start of the meal. Do not give in to the temptation to give the dog a snack and do not keep in the bowl the food left after breakfast or dinner, hoping that the hungry animal will finish it in a couple of hours. The water in the Rottweiler bowl should always be clean. 

Health and diseases of the Rottweiler

Like most large breed dogs, Rottweilers live 8 to 10 years. Exceptions to the general rule also occur: with proper care and diligent care, individuals can live another 3-5 years longer than the established norm. Due to their massive build, Rottweilers give the impression that healthy people visit the vet's office only in case of routine vaccination. These dogs have a lot of diseases.
The most common diseases of Rottweilers are:
Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints.
Addison's disease (an autoimmune disease associated with impaired adrenal gland function);
Aortic valve stenosis.
Retinal atrophy.
eye lens darkening.
von Willebrand disease (low blood clotting);
Dilatation of the stomach and blood vessels (volvulus).
In some individuals, there may be problems with the kidneys, as well as disturbances in the work of the nervous system. Slightly less common is a congenital disease such as hypotrichosis (alopecia).

How to choose a puppy 

Inexperienced owners, who for the first time decided to buy a Rottweiler, it is more appropriate to choose bitches who have a softer character and learn commands faster. They make highly qualified guards. The only drawback of girls is that they do not tolerate others near them.
Male Rottweilers look more stature, but they need a serious male mentor. Most boys are prone to homelessness, so you should bring a male home only if you are prepared to carefully adjust his behavior. It is best to take a puppy home at the age of 2-3 months because during this period the animals do not yet show stubbornness and are easily trained. Be sure to get to know the baby's mother, not forgetting to check the kennel staff for her age. Ideally, you should be between 2 and 8 years old.

To rule out the possibility of hereditary dysplasia of the joints, ask the breeder for X-rays of the puppy's parents' limbs. Check the living conditions of future pets: they should be clean and dry in puppy enclosures. In addition, toys or things that replace them should be present in children's cages. It is more reasonable to give preference to dark-colored dogs in the basement because, after the first molt, the coat of Rottweilers often brightens. In addition, dark-colored individuals are more solid. Examine the child's abdomen carefully for signs of an umbilical hernia. Pay attention to the fingers that reach: in purebred puppies, they must be stopped.

Even if you see a future bodyguard in the animal, then abandon excessively aggressive individuals. A proper Rottweiler is a well-balanced Rottweiler. In self-respecting kennels and training schools, very vicious representatives of the breed are dismissed as unsuitable for training and further breeding. At the same time, the dog's stubbornness is considered an indicator of a strong character. These individuals make excellent watchdogs.

You can test puppies for boldness with noise effects. For example, striking hands on the head of an animal or ringing a bell. A suitable Rottweiler will surely listen to new sounds and show curiosity, and very cowardly children will run away.

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