Why Do Dogs Hate Cats? |dog 57
It has always been believed that rivalry between dogs and cats is normal. Surely more than once you've heard the phrase "get along like a cat and a dog" to refer to two people who don't have a good relationship with each other, but is the myth that both species hate each other true? Is this implicit?
When two different animals like dogs and cats live together in the same place, some tensions and conflicts can arise between them. However, there is also the possibility that they will develop a strong bond and end up becoming good friends. In this dog57 article, we analyze both scenarios and tell you whether or not it is true that dogs hate cats. Read on!
Can dogs and cats get along?
No animal species get along poorly with another, because the relationship that two or more people establish among themselves depends on many factors and not only on the species to which they belong. Therefore, it would be wrong to generalize and say that dogs and cats hate each other and cannot live together peacefully in the same house.
The truth is that both animals are similar in many aspects, but they also differ in other aspects that can hamper their relationship. Dogs are communal mammals, living in groups (of which humans are a part), establishing social norms and, in a certain way, dependent on each other to survive and obtain a quality of life. However, cats are more independent, and although they sometimes also form stable cohabitation groups, they do not show much interdependence between themselves or towards other species.
The different way that dogs and cats, by nature, have to communicate and interact with their congeners sometimes makes it difficult for them to understand each other or interpret the intentions of the other, which leads to a certain type of mistrust or suspicion. But does this mean that dogs and cats won't end up accepting each other even if they live together? And even establish a real friendship in many cases.

Why does my dog hat and chase cats?
If you're wondering why dogs chase cats, bark, growl at them, or get overly annoyed every time they see one, it doesn't mean that they hate them just because they are cats, several reasons could explain these behaviors. If this is the case for your dog, here are the most common reasons why he "hate" cats:
He has never mixed with cats or is not used to them
If your dog has never had contact with cats during its delicate stage of socialization (three weeks to three months of age) or has not gone through the process of getting used to it at any time in its life, it will likely overreact every time a cat appears in the scene. Sometimes the dog's behavior is due to the curiosity he feels towards that animal he is not used to seeing, but on many other occasions, it is associated with a feeling of fear and insecurity in the face of the unknown. Not all dogs express fear in the same way, some freeze, others run away or hide And a large number of them bark, grumble, hang around or even chase the potential threat, trying to keep it away.
Have you had any bad experiences dealing with cats?
Another possible reason why your dog hates cats is that he has had some painful or unpleasant episodes when interacting with one. Oftentimes, dogs accustomed to the presence of cats or those of a more curious or daring nature, take on "very much confidence" with felines crossing their path, approaching in an invasive way to sniff them or try to play with them. If the cat in question feels threatened, it may attack the dog with its claws or teeth, frightening it or causing injury. As a result, it is possible for the dog, from that moment on, to associate the presence of cats with the negative experience and begin to react to them in an undesirable way.
It has a noticeable hunting and/or prey instinct
All dogs, regardless of their breed, have a certain hunting instinct, because they are essentially omnivores, with a common ancestor: the wolf. The complete hunting sequence consists of several behaviors that are always performed in the same order which are the search for the target, the pursuit of it, the pursuit, and, finally, the prey, which refers to submission by being bitten. To cover some or other human interests, selective breeding enhances and refines these instincts over the years in certain breeds, achieving, for example, dogs with a superior sense of smell specialized in hunting and tracking, and others that exhibit innate stalking behaviors from an age. Or enemy dogs can overtake a rabbit in the middle of a run. Thus, genetics is also an aspect to take into consideration if your dog tends to chase or chase cats. So, if your dog kills cats,
How do I make my dog not hate cats?
To modify your dog's behaviour, the first thing you must achieve is to correctly identify the cause of his behaviour, understand the feelings hidden behind it, and learn how to identify it. Even when the reason for your dog's behavior is partly genetic, there are exercises you can do with your furry friend that will help him increase his tolerance level towards cats, whether he finds them on the street or if he shares your home with them one or more.
In the dog57 article we suggest some guidelines for getting started with your dog, but, as always, if you are concerned about this or any other behavior, we recommend that you seek the advice of a dog behaviorist or a professional dog breeder who works with a respected methodology and who studies meticulously your specific case.
How do I make my dog not hate street cats?
The relationship that a dog has with each individual is unique and different, which explains why a dog that lives without problems or has a good relationship with a cat in the house can react explosively to unknown cats it finds on the street. Whether this is the case for you or not, your dog should get used to the presence of cats, especially if you live in an area where they are easy to find while walking. To do this, start by keeping as much distance as possible with everyone you meet, even if you have to change course or turn around. Accustoming your dog to cats and ignoring them will be much more difficult if they have them on hand.
As soon as your dog sees a cat, slow down, and before he reacts disproportionately, try to divert his attention to you by saying his name or with a command like "look at me", which you will have to teach beforehand. The moment your dog focuses his ear or eyes on you, say "Very good!" and strengthen it. Then invite him to follow you and turn around or walk away from the cat.
The goal of this exercise is to gradually create an association between the cat and the reinforcer, inviting the dog to ignore the cat in exchange for something he likes. Of course, we must bear in mind that on many occasions, and especially in dogs who have a wonderful hunting instinct, hunting, chasing, or chasing cats are reinforcers in and of themselves, plus they are far more powerful than any food we can do . give them. for display. For this reason, in the case of these dogs, it is a good idea to use a toy as a reinforcer that also them to satisfy this hunting instinct, such as rocking a teether or throwing a ball in the opposite direction.
Never punish or yell at your dog if he is interacting with a cat, and avoid sudden, sharp jerks on the leash, as they can make the situation worse. Remember that behavior modification is a slow process that requires patience and it is normal to have some setbacks.
How do I make my dog not hate my cat?
For a dog, starting to live with a cat is a huge life change and not all dogs seem to be happy with it. Oftentimes disputes arise that guardians do not understand or cannot resolve, and in most cases, can be prevented by making a good show between both animals.
The process of animal adaptation can be long and expensive, but forcing any kind of interaction between them should be avoided if one does not feel comfortable. Here are some tips to make living together easier:
During the early days, mark the spaces of both animals with physical barriers and make sure they both have areas where they can rest peacefully.
Give each one something imbued with the other's scent so she can get used to it. Little by little, allow them to see or get close to each other if they are quiet, and always keep the security measures in place.
Remain calm as you interact, and try not to raise your voice or make sudden movements.
Make sure your cat gets too high places, and she'll feel more secure.
Give equal attention to both and reinforce any positive interaction between them.
Train your dog in self-control exercises to prevent him from constantly chasing the cat around the house, provide him with enough physical and environmental enrichment and play with him to satisfy his hunting instinct.
If despite putting all of these tips into practice, you notice that your dog hates cats, including his housemate, again, we recommend that you go to a behaviorist or dog groomer.
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