Teaching a puppy is a process that requires a lot of patience and dedication. There is no single, definitive guide that can determine how to teach a puppy, as this process will vary greatly depending on the individual, their ability to learn, or the repetitions we give them. However, we can give you some general guidelines so you know what you should keep in mind when teaching a puppy.
In this DOG57 article, we will detail the most important aspects to consider when teaching a puppy step-by-step, explaining what puppy socialization is, how to teach him to urinate in a newspaper, and many other important details. do not miss it!
Adoption is a very important process, therefore, before taking a puppy into our home, we must make sure that it is a well-thought-out and approved decision by all members of the family unit. Likewise, we will make the necessary preparations to ensure the comfort of the newcomer and thus we can favor a quick adaptation.
Let's remember that dogs are perennial animals, and they can accompany us for about 15-20 years. For this reason, we must make sure that we can take care of him throughout his life, and in the event of an accident, we must have a trustworthy person to leave him with. Ask yourself the following questions:
Will you have time to teach him?
Are you going to take him out for a walk at least twice a day?
Will you be able to take care of him financially?
Do all of your family members agree?
Will you be responsible for him until his last day?
If you answered yes to all the questions, you are ready to have a puppy. This step is very important to consider, because only in this way can we prevent difficulties in their education, maintenance, and even possible abandonment. Animal overpopulation and the number of abandoned dogs around the world is a real problem, don't let your case be another one.
How and where do you adopt a puppy
Choosing the "ideal puppy" is a complex process, as many factors must be taken into account, as they will affect the dog's temperament in adulthood. Therefore, if we want to have a balanced and stable adult dog, we must know what are the elements of character-building: genetics, socialization, and living experiences, education is an important part of it.
Dog breeds can help us figure out what a dog's personality will be, as some breeds stand out for being particularly intelligent, active, or prone to certain behavioral problems. However, in hybrid dogs, we must pay attention to the mood of the parents, as certain aspects can be transmitted to the puppies, such as fear.
On the other hand, early adoption, that is, before the dog can socialize with its parents and siblings, can cause behavioral problems in the puppy, such as insecurity, fear, or excessive vocalization. This way, the recommended adoption age is between 2 and 3 months of age, at which time the dog is already weaned and understands the canine language.
In the end, education and training will play a fundamental role in the dog's behavior, so you will have to dedicate the time and effort to teach him how to behave in and outside the home, as well as starting him with basic canine obedience. He responds positively to your directions. To teach him you should make use of positive reinforcement, through rewards, caresses, or kind words, and in no case punishment, because at this point it can cause fear and break the bond.

It will be very important before the puppy arrives that we have all the supplies he needs:
blanket and towel
the feeder
puppy food
Kids Games
a brush
puppy shampoo
Adjustable belt or collar
fixed belt
stool collection bags
Put the bed in a quiet place and the bowls in an easily accessible place. Once placed, do not move it as your puppy will need to find it easily. Remember that it will be difficult for him to head to a new home, especially in the early days.
family unit standards
These details are very important and must be taken into account before the dog gets home. Dogs are habitual creatures and to maintain mental stability they should always follow specific and consistent procedures:
Flight schedules
lunch hours
What you can and can't do
All family members should be clear about these points and properly comply with them. For example, we must know whether the dog will be able to sit on the sofa or not, whether he should always sleep in the same place, if we can serve him food when we are in the middle of dinner, etc. If we all follow the same education dynamics, the dog will be more stable, mentally healthy, and will also behave reasonably.
The other details that we will have to specify will be those related to education. You should know that a dog is an animal with its independence: it can sometimes do things you don't like, such as chewing a piece of furniture, or breaking a valuable thing to remember that a puppy needs time and education based on positive reinforcement. Using aggressiveness and punishment with your dog will only lead to behavioral problems in the future, such as reaction or fear. Instead of punishing him for sitting on the couch, encourage him to get off.
Finally, we encourage you to find your new dog in an animal shelter to provide shelter for a rescued pup who never had a chance in a real home, don't you think?

On the first day of the dog's arrival at home, we must maintain a very positive and relaxed attitude to convey confidence to our new dog, maybe our puppy will do some harm, we should not take that into account.
Usually, when dogs experience a sudden life change, they have an "adjustment period" in which they are shy, introverted, and insecure. It lasts for a day or two, and then they begin to show their true personality.
On this first day of adaptation, you should let your puppy smell the environment to get to know it and get used to it, this can happen in puppies that are slightly older or younger, and they urinate a little to "mark" their new area , it is normal not to scold him.
Do not overwhelm him with caressing, screaming, and excessive nervousness. Your puppy needs comfort and convenience in his new environment.
Providing a sense of calm, security, and well-being will be very positive for your dog and will promote a good adjustment. There will be time to figure things out, and we will go step by step.
How do you teach a puppy to go to the bathroom
Your veterinarian should give your puppy the appropriate vaccinations for his age while following the puppy's vaccination schedule properly. You will not be able to take the puppy out for a walk until they have run all the puppy it should receive. If you do, he may suffer from a mild cold to more serious illnesses, and he may not suffer from his young age
That's why you should teach your dog to urinate in the newspaper. To teach your dog to urinate in the newspaper, follow these simple step-by-step steps:
A puppy usually urinates and defecates about 20 or 30 minutes after eating. We can stimulate him by stroking his tummy, "cleaning" his bottom with wet wipes, or we can simply wait for him to feel the urge.
If your puppy has ever urinated in the house, he probably has a favorite area so to speak. Lay several layers of newspaper in that corner.
You decide may to go to the newspaper, or you may not. Whatever the case, if your puppy decides to urinate elsewhere, you should pick it up and quickly pass it to the newspaper. Once finished, congratulate him and fill him with praise, caress, and snacks. What comes to mind.
Little by little you will determine the puppy's desire to urinate: some sniff the ground, others give nonstop circles and some are nervous. When you notice your dog wanting to urinate, quickly take him to the newspaper.
We will always bless and reward you.
It will probably take a while for the praise, newspaper, and pee to come together, but at some point, the puppy will understand what's going on and take action on his own. Don't despair if you need more than 20 repetitions, that's normal, it's a puppy.

At this point in his life, we must actively stimulate the puppy's mind daily so that he is a very intelligent dog and we can work with him on positive and effective education. Since your puppy can't leave the house yet, we recommend that you start with indoor brain games, whether bought or made at home, it doesn't matter. Stimulating the dog allow mentally and physically is very important so that in the future he will have agile thinking and himself to be manipulated without problems.
Remember that at this time in his life the puppy will need to rest for a long time. However, when he is awake, we will train with him to use a variety of games: old people, stuffed animals, Kung, bones whatever comes to mind. Always under supervision.
Giving a toy, removing it, and showing it again is a great way to prevent your dog from possessing it in the future. It is also a very good trick to serve food directly from the hand, this way our dog will not have the food and will understand that we are giving him food. This is a key point.
We can also begin to raise our dog to be obedient inside the house, for example, teaching him to come here. To achieve this, follow this step by step:
Get some dog treats.
Step away from the puppy (2 to 2 meters), call him by his name, and say "Come here".
Use tender words to encourage him to approach you.
When he gets to your place, give him a small prize.
Move and repeat this exercise around the room for 10 minutes.
Once he learns to come here you can move on to the next exercise, for example teaching him to sit. Each time you learn a new exercise, you should set aside a day or two for "revision" to re-practice what you've already learned. Do not exceed 10 minutes a day with a puppy.
How does a puppy learn to pee outside
Once your puppy has had all his vaccinations, he will be ready to go out for a walk. This moment is very important for the dog's life the behavior of his adult life will directly depend on this specific stage of his life.
We will start by teaching him to urinate on the street for this. This step will be followed by step, very similar to the previous one in which your dog will learn to relieve himself outside the house:
You will probably now know how to know exactly when your dog wants to urinate, as after eating is usually the most appropriate time. Now it's time to put him on the belt, leash, grab a newspaper, and head outside.
Take this process very slowly, it will take him some time until he knows that he should now pee on the street instead of inside the house.
If the puppy recognizes the newspaper with urine, this means that you have done a lot of work. When you go down the street with him, you should put a newspaper by a tree and quietly wait for him to relieve himself there.
If you see he's not peeing, walk a little bit and put newspaper on the next tree.
Since it is a new environment for him, he will probably feel overwhelmed, if he is not doing it as he should, do not despair, he needs more time.
Every time he pees on the street (whether near a tree or not), give him praise, petting, or treats. Positive reinforcement is undoubtedly the most effective training.
After urinating, you should continue to walk a little longer, always without forcing him, remembering that he is a puppy and that active exercise is not prescribed for him.
For your dog to learn to pee on the street properly, you need to be very attentive and keep walking. We will remove the newspaper from inside the house and only use it on walking tours. In this time of learning, you should go out for a walk with him often to prevent him from peeing in the house. We'll always take short walks that don't tire him out. If you pee indoors, don't scold him, and remember you taught him to do it there before. After a while, your dog will understand that his "bath" is now outside.

The process of puppy socialization, which takes place between 3 and 12 weeks of age, is key to the formation of a dog's personality and will depend on it that in adulthood it is well-balanced and sociable.
Socialization consists of introducing our puppy to the world around him. When he walks down the street, he will find other dogs to interact with, humans, and he will be watching the world around him: cars, noises, bikes... Your puppy must get used to all these stimuli on an ongoing and regular basis, we always try to have positive encounters.
Never approach your dog to any dog or person, before always asking if the other pet is social or not, or if the person you are getting close to wants to be petted. If your puppy has had a negative encounter and ends up with some, insecurity and fear will likely emerge in the future when interacting with other dogs. If your dog interacts with different people and pets every day, you will teach him to be a social and affectionate dog, without fear and accustomed to the behavior of his kind.
You shouldn't bring your puppy close to interactive dogs that can bite him, however, if you notice another dog growing at him (and even if he tags him without hurting him), you should allow it. Dogs communication by growling to indicate they don't like something. For your dog to understand canine behavior and be able to bond well with other dogs, you must allow small conflicts to arise. Older dogs "teach" and teach the young ones how to behave.
Your puppy needs to learn to act through other adult dogs since he's separated from his parents.
How do I know my puppy not to bite
This is also the time when canine teeth are developing and your dog will begin to bite objects to relieve himself because he usually feels uncomfortable. Teaching your puppy to bite properly is very important, so we recommend that you buy different types of teethers that will not only help reduce pain but will also teach him that the things he bites are toys.
Do not let your dog use your hand to exercise. Relax and give him your teether. If you notice that he is not using it and that he prefers your hands, encourages him by moving and shaking the toy, your dog will tell you that he wants to play. On the other hand, remember the importance of brushing your teeth properly so that they remain healthy for many years. You can choose to give him cleaning snacks or use tricks to brush your dog's teeth.

For your dog to be happy and mentally healthy, he should walk two or three times a day, adapting to your dog's real needs. If you notice that he is urinating a lot, you can choose shorter walking paths, but little by little you should help him adapt to your condition and schedule.
While walking, it is always advised that your dog is free for a while without a leash. Remember the crucial importance of the chip and identification board in case you lose them. Go for a walled tubing case to avoid leaks or accidents.
On the other hand, to finish the topic of walking, we recommend that you visit our post to discover the most common mistakes in walking, such as not letting him smell. Remember that dogs receive information from the environment they are sniffing in and this helps them relax. If your dog is vaccinated, fear nothing, he will not get sick.
How do you train a puppy
Now that your dog has started to go out constantly and he is already small, you should begin to educate him in dog training so that he is obedient. You should know that obedience goes beyond simple tricks such as giving his foot or playing dead, your dog must learn to behave and take care of you at all times, especially outside the house.
It is essential for your safety and the safety of dogs and other people. Basic training commands consist of sitting, coming here, staying still, or lying down. Teach your dog important training commands that will help him through his day. To do that.
On the other hand, don't forget that positive reinforcement is key for your dog to love and trust you. Exclude the use of penal tactics, notched collars, or other techniques. Common training mistakes can be avoided, and if you need to, you should always go to a professional, and never follow advice on behavior problems that haven't been verified by professionals like dog trainers, educators, and behaviorists.
How does a puppy learn to stay alone
Finally, to finish teaching the puppy, you must teach your dog to be alone in the house. You must go through this process gradually and positively so that your dog understands that nothing is happening because you are leaving for a while.
All of this is aimed at avoiding separation anxiety in dogs, a problem that affects many dogs who feel hopeless when they are alone.
To teach your dog to stay home alone, we must first do small tests inside the house, moving from room to room without the puppy being able to reach us. We shouldn't go if he cries or scratches the door, but he'll understand we'll come if he tries to get our attention.
After the moves indoors we will start taking short walks, between 5 and 10 minutes, during which the dog is completely alone. Then we will gradually increase the time. To make him feel comfortable and less aware of your movement, you can have kong, which is one of the safest games out there. Separation anxiety treatment is an ideal method.
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