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الرئيسية Types of worms in dogs - symptoms, and treatments

Types of worms in dogs - symptoms, and treatments

 If there are some parasites known in dogs, they are called roundworms or roundworms. Most of them are related to the digestive system, but in this dog57 article, in addition to talking about the different types of worms found in dogs that reside in the digestive system, we will mention those that parasitize other organs such as the lungs, heart or eyes.

We remember the importance of following the correct deworming schedule throughout a dog's life, as this type of parasite can be a particular problem in the case of puppies.

Intestinal worms in dogs

Among the types of worms found in dogs, those that infect the gastrointestinal tract stand out. It is very common, that is, it affects a high percentage of dogs, in addition, some species can also parasitize humans. The following types stand out:

Flatworms or nematodes: The most famous of this group is the tapeworm. As its name suggests, its body is flattened and divided into multiple parts. Some can be seen around the anus and the base of the tail as small grains of rice. A species called Dipylidium caninum is transmitted to the dog by fleas.

Roundworms or nematodes: In this group, the most important ones are called Toxocara canis, along with Toxascaris leonina. This is a spaghetti-like worm that is sometimes found in feces or vomit. It is a type of worm that is transmitted to humans through contact with the soil in which the eggs are located. A typical example of children infecting these parasites is by playing with dirt and putting their hands in their mouths.

Hookworms: They are the hookworms named for the shape of their mouth, as they stick to the walls of the intestine and feed on blood and tissues. It can also be transmitted to humans. They enter the body through the skin.

Whipworms: These are whipworms like Trichuris vulpis. They are called whips because of their shape, one end of which is thicker than the other. They hang on the walls and take blood. Their eggs are particularly resistant in the environment, which makes them difficult to remove.

Lungworms in dogs

In addition to the best-known types of roundworms, or intestinal worms, these parasites can also be found in the lungs.
It is also possible for the intestinal worms to end their cycle inside the dog's body in the lungs, in which case respiratory symptoms appear in addition to digestive symptoms. It stands out, which is transmitted by contact with slugs and snails.

For more information on this, we leave you this other article on what happens if my dog eats a snail? , where we will see in more detail why it is dangerous for a dog to eat a snail or a snail.

Worms in the heart of dogs

Another site for this type of worm is the heart. Stand out in this group, which is transmitted by mosquito bites. It is a disease that is on the rise because climate change is causing temperatures to rise globally, providing good living conditions for these mosquitoes, increasing their population, and increasing the potential for transmission.

These worms live in the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary arteries. In high incidence, they are also found in the right atrium, vena cava, and hepatic veins.

Symptoms of worms in dogs

Depending on the types of worms, we can observe different symptoms. These are the most distinct, grouped by systems:
Symptoms of intestinal worms in dogs
In this case, the symptoms are caused by the action of the parasites on the digestive system. The effect above all:
blood in stool
anal itching

It should be noted in this regard that it is normal for adult dogs to be infected with intestinal parasites without showing any symptoms. On the other hand, in puppies, especially in cases of significant infection, it is not strange that in addition to the listed symptoms, the presence of the following:
The bad appearance of the coat.
the ballor of the mucous membranes;
growth stunted.

Symptoms of lungworms in dogs

By staying or passing through the lungs as happens with some intestinal worms, this type of worm causes respiratory symptoms, such as:
the disease.
Exercising intolerance.
clotting problems;
However, in some cases, lungworms in dogs can be asymptomatic.

Symptoms of heartworms in dogs

Occupation of the heart and its communication with the lungs and liver can have very serious, even fatal, repercussions for affected dogs, especially in the most significant injuries. And so these dogs can appear:
Exercising intolerance.
Pulmonary embolism.
Liver failure.
Symptoms of eye worm in dogs
In dogs infected with eye worms we will appreciate:
eye secretions;
They rub their eyes because of itching.
Hair loss around the eyes.
Before any of the above symptoms appear, do not hesitate to head to the vet immediately.

Treating worms in dogs

All types of worms found in dogs that we have mentioned can be treated by a veterinarian. Therefore, when we suspect that our dog is infected with parasitism, we should go for a consultation. The specialist will perform the appropriate tests to detect and identify the parasites present.

In the case of intestinal, lung, and ocular worms, there are antiparasitic drugs that can, in one or more doses, eliminate the infestation. In the case of worms or heartworms, the treatment is somewhat more complicated, because if the worms die inside the circulatory system, they can obstruct it and cause the dog to die. For this reason, the vet must examine each particular case and prescribe treatment at different stages, to reduce the risks to the dog.

For this reason, and bearing in mind the possible infection of some of these parasites to people, the best thing we can do for our dog from the first weeks of his life, by following veterinary advice, is to establish a correct deworming schedule, by following the veterinary advice. We will keep him for the rest of his life.

This article is informational only, at dog57.com we do not have the authority to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet in case he is under any type of condition or discomfort.

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