The American Cocker Spaniel is the closest relative of the English Cocker Spaniel and differs from its European "cousin" in its smaller build and elegant long coat.
At the dog57 dog breed registry, we'll show you what an American Cocker Spaniel looks like, talking about their origins, personality, and physical characteristics as well as their training and the most common illnesses they typically suffer from. You'll find all about the American Cocker Spaniel below. Read on.
short info
key moments
Breed characteristics
History of the American Cocker Spaniel
The emergence of the American cocker spaniel
American Cocker Spaniel character
Education and Training
Hunting with an American Cocker Spaniel
Care and maintenance
Health and Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel
How to choose a puppy
short info
Breed Name: American Cocker Spaniel
Country of Origin: America
Weight: 7-14 kg
Height (length at the shoulders): Males 36.8 - 39.4 cm, Females 34.3 - 36.8 cm
Age: 13-14 years old
key moments
American Cocker Spaniels are very weak. To seriously and for a long time offend, a high tone or intonation dissatisfied with the owner is enough for the animal.
All adult dogs are adept at the art of manipulation. He surrendered to the only "American" time, and until the end of his days, he would not get tired of demanding concessions.
Due to their hunting skills, the breed is very active and energetic. Accordingly, for people with disabilities and retired people, the American Cocker Spaniel will become more of a burden than a true friend.
The soft and silky coat of the dog is subject to constant care by the owner. If you are not ready to devote at least a few minutes a day to the photo of your pet, then choose another, more “comfortable” breed.
American cookie-makers do not like silence and love communication through loud barking, but with proper training, they can curb their cravings.
The ideal home for "Americans" would be a house or apartment in which a caretaker or at least a family member would wait. The loneliness of those long-haired and handsome ones endures with difficulty.
American Cocker Spaniels have a keen sense of smell and are willing to learn new useful skills, so they do well in the circus arena and rescue work.
American Cocker Spaniels are shaggy groups of positivity, with an amazing ability to please everyone who has spent at least a few minutes in their company. Curious and easy-going, they will take part in any adventure the owner offers without looking back and will happily dash on the most wonderful journey. At the same time, the "Americans" are quite manageable and, despite their slightly exotic nature, are easy to learn, so even an owner who does not have enough experience can raise a man warning of a tender fidget.
History of the American Cocker Spaniel
The ancestors of American Cocker Spaniels are believed to have migrated to the New World from England with the first settlers. For several centuries, animals roamed freely on the continent, until the end of the 19th century, professional breeders took care of them. Well, then along with the knurling: experimental mating, the selection of the most outwardly successful individuals - and now, at the New Hampshire Dog Show in 1883, the first American shines. The presented specimen by the breeders was noticeably smaller and shaggy than its European counterpart, the English Cocker Spaniel, but at the same time, it retained most of its hunting qualities.
In 1921, for the Americans, their appearance standard was developed, and in 1946, the Spaniards abroad finally separated from their ancestors from the Foggy Albion, becoming an independent breed. In Russia, “Made in the USA” makers appeared in the 70s, but at first, they did not arouse much interest among specialists or amateurs. The demand for shaggy dreadnought dogs only began to grow in the late 1980s, with the advent of kennels in the Soviet
Union that were responsible for the breeding and sale of American kennels.
The emergence of the American cocker spaniel
American Cocker Spaniels are the smallest hunters among their "colleagues" in the range of weapons. They are not much smaller than English Cockers (average length 34.3-34.9 cm), but their muzzles are much shorter. Among other things, the "Americans" have a more glamorous appearance, which they owe to their satin coat. However, for the sake of this beauty, the dogs had to drive with a hunting instinct, which appears in a rather muffled form. As for the weight of American Cocker Spaniels, this parameter is ignored by most word associations. An individual with a weight of eight and fifteen kilograms can win the championship title.
The American Cocker Spaniel has a moderately rounded skull with pronounced brow ridges, and infraorbital region, and a stop. The muzzle of dogs is wide, of sufficient depth, turning into flat cheekbones. The reference muzzle is square with a pronounced vertical cutout.
Long, blade-shaped, covered with abundant wool. The ear pad is thin yet dense.
the nose
A medium-sized lobe with good nostrils, allows the dog to pick up even the faintest of smells. The color of the nose corresponds to the shade of the "American" eyelids. Therefore, in animals with black, white, and black colors, the lobe is black. In people with lighter hair shades, their nose is brown.
jaws and teeth
The jaws of the American Cocker Spaniel are close to square in shape. The teeth of dogs of this breed are strong, medium in size, and bite - “scissors”.
Almonds are round in shape, naturally firm, without bulges. The color of the iris should be a rich dark color. Usually dark brown.
Long, gracefully curved, gently tapering towards the head. It bends easily, allowing the animal to tilt its head down and touch the ground with its nose.
Compact body with a powerful and sloping back and a rather deep and broad chest.
the parties
Both the front and hind legs of the American Cocker Spaniel are well-toned and graceful. The shoulder blades of representatives of this breed are well developed and strongly retracted, which makes their movements freer and faster. A good running impetus is provided to the animal by the massive hips and strong knees at natural articulating angles, as well as the low hoses. The feet of the "Americans" are large but compactly assembled, with flexible pads.
The American Cocker Spaniel's tail is subject to mandatory docking. Usually, it is fixed at the level of the back or slightly raised but does not take a vertical position and does not deviate. The tail hidden between the hind limbs indicates the dog's shyness and insecurity.
The coat is smooth, silky, straight, or slightly wavy, with a dense and rich undercoat. The shortest part of the body is the dog's head. On the body, legs, and ears, the hair is longer and thicker.
the color
American cockerels can be black, black, tan, and mixed (white with some other shade). In addition, all types of mono colors are acceptable for this breed: from light fawn to brown (steel or brown). For tan marks, they must be located on the parts of the body specified by the standard. These, as a rule, are areas above the eyes, cheekbones, inside the ears, legs, chest, and the area under the tail.
disqualification of vices
The most common reasons for exclusion are under / excessive growth (deviation from the norm by more than 1.5 cm), atypical colors, as well as non-standard signs of tan. For example, American Cocker Spaniels with white spots on any part of the body other than the throat and chest, which cover more than 10% of the ground color area, will be disqualified from competition at the selection stage. The same fate will befall dogs with behavioral disorders that show excessive aggression, cowardice, or nervousness.
American Cocker Spaniel character
The American Cocker Spaniel is an affectionate fidget, ready to follow its owner to the ends of the earth. These long-eared "hairs" easily find a common language with other cats and dogs, not to mention the owner, who for the animal is a first-class creature. But the American planets do not get along with the representatives of the feathered family, periodically encroaching on their life and health (the hunting instincts of the English ancestors affect). If your pet has not completed a training course and you are not sure of its endurance, it is best to leave parrots and other birds outside the cage in its presence.
About children, American Cocker Spaniels are very friendly, but, unfortunately, they do not always control themselves. Dogs, carried away by stalking and wrestling, can attack children, gently biting them. In general, "Americans" have some childish character. As the breeders themselves say, this is one of the few hunting breeds, whose representatives, even at a very respectable age, retain puppy manners.
American cookie makers are hyperactive, emotional, and so dependent on human society that it sometimes turns into an obsessive attachment. However, despite the successful exploitation of the image of a gullible, these charming handsome men do not take cunning, and to be sure of this, the owner just needs to give up and stop teaching his ward. Feeling free, the Rooster will very quickly turn into a charming bully, but completely uncontrollable and not recognizing any restrictions.
The American Cocker Spaniel is not a breed of professionals and workaholics who ditch for days at work. Loneliness for dogs is a burden and not a good thing, especially since the eccentric temper of animals requires a regular release of energy, which a busy owner cannot provide. When you lock up your pet and head to work, don't be alarmed if, on your return, you find that your four-legged friend has enjoyed himself as much as possible, nibbling on shoes and ripping wallpaper off the walls.
Education and Training
Even if you are indifferent to handling pets and will not take up pet hunting, it is still necessary to educate them and teach commands, at least for your convenience and comfort. Socially weak and does not obey the basic rules of behavior, the American Cocker Spaniel is still an outlaw. Representatives of this breed are well trained in training, but due to their natural restlessness, they learn better educational material if it is presented playfully. Nor would a positive reinforcement method be superfluous - and not a single "American" could resist the delicious dessert.
It is necessary to start education with elementary commands such as "No!" and "Sit!". From the first weeks of being in the house, the puppy should be able to recognize his nickname, as well as understanding the meaning of the command “place!”. Do not be lazy to accustom the animal to his hands. A dog should not be ashamed of being touched or panicked about being picked up. And of course, there is no psychological abuse or even worse than physical abuse of a pet! American Cockers are gentle psyched dogs, and they do not need additional phobias.
Even though the FCI classifies the American Cocker Spaniel as a pistol dog, in its homeland, the breed is known as an athletic dog. In the USA, pet groomers are regular participants in all kinds of dog shows and agility competitions, so if you're planning a show business for your pet, bring a ring training course with him and teach him the right attitude. For example, to develop the correct posture, it is useful to walk the dog on the so-called "ring line", which is a short strip whose ends are closed in loops.
This type of leash allows you to retract the animal's head and hold it in a slightly elevated position. It is necessary to use this supplement unpleasant for the dog with extreme caution and resistance to doses. The American should not have the impression that he is bogged down. Walking around the ring is taught by order of an American Cocker Spaniel using rewards. At first, the animal follows its owner to get a reward from his hands, but later gets used to letting go of it, reacting only to the command “Come to me!”.
HELPFUL HINT: If a weary American Spaniel acts very emotionally and bites you, you, or your family members during training, he should be stopped. Give your ward a favorite toy or distract him with a reward. Dogs that have gone too far in their attacks and are out of reality are not prohibited from slapping lightly. Why does my dog bit me?
Hunting with an American Cocker Spaniel
Even though American Cocker Spaniels, in theory, can work "on the pen", you can barely see them in this role. In Europe, representatives of this breed are not used at all for hunting, preferring them more obedience and concentration. However, training a pet to hunt for a bird is a feasible task. It is better to start school at an early age. First, the owner simply brings the toy into the house and gives it to the dog to smell - this is how the animal recognizes the smell of future prey. Gradually, the lessons are transferred to the natural environment, for example, in the forest or the fields.
A properly trained Cocker Spaniel should not only look for a shot and stand game but also must be restrained, patiently waiting for the owner to arrive. However, many "Americans" are unable to focus on one object for too long and turn to other external stimuli such as butterflies and lizards. Ultrasound whistle (Galton whistle), which can be used not only in the field but also in the training field, helps to partially solve the problem and put the pet in the working mood.
Care and maintenance
Since the American Cocker Spaniel is more of a decorative companion than a hunter, its main habitat remains a house or apartment. On the street, the animal is mainly taken out to the toilet or for a walk, and only after vaccination. In addition, for the first six months, the puppy is not allowed to go down the stairs on his own, so that the group of limbs does not deteriorate.
You should start caring for a dog with a separate corner for him with a bed, toys, and bowls for food and water. It is necessary to place the puppy's bedding or basket in the quietest place in the apartment where drafts do not reach and where it is not very hot (the place near the radiator is frankly a bad option). In the early days, the American Cocker Spaniel will of course try to ignore your efforts and settle down in a more comfortable place, such as the couch, so it should be monitored. Do not, in any case, indulge in the whims of the child and do not take him to bed with you as he wishes, or else this cunning handsome man will sit on your neck in the future.
American Cocker Spaniels love to walk, so you need to take them outside twice, preferably three times a day. While walking, let the dog warm up properly by running with him in the race. At the same time, you can practice maintaining the correct posture. To do this, let your pet walk on a leash that pulls you forward (you can tell the "pull!" command). But it is best to minimize contact with other dogs, especially homeless ones because Cocker Spaniels are very susceptible to various types of infections.
The American Cocker Spaniel is not a breed for sloths. Of course, you can take your pet to a beauty salon several times a week, where while you are scrolling through magazines and sipping coffee, a specialist will work with him. But in this case, the dog's content will result in a tangible amount for the budget. If these expenses don't work for you, learn how to take care of a four-legged friend's coat at home.
The first thing to do is to get a soft brush, brushes, combs, and a mat cutter because you will have to comb the satin hair of the American Cocker Spaniel daily. And don't be fooled by the fact that puppies have thinner coats. It will pass with age. In general, the process of dog grooming is very tiring, so the sooner you teach your pup, the better for you.
No matter how well your dog is raised, during a walk it will still stain its "fur coat" to one degree or another, putting garbage and road dust on it. American Water Bears are supposed to be washed more often than other ornamental breeds: on average, once every two weeks. For bathing, it is better to choose sets of shampoos and conditioners designed for long-haired dogs. After washing, to facilitate combing, it is recommended to rinse the pet's fur in a weakly concentrated solution of acetic acid (it can be replaced with citric acid). This will give the hair a noble shine and protect the skin of the animal from parasites.
The coat of American Cocker Spaniels is often matte, and this does not depend on the quality of the dog's care. The places most susceptible to this phenomenon are the armpits, trenches, and inguinal areas. Before each dog bath, arm yourself with a clipping mat and remove frizzy areas of hair.
You can't avoid fussing with the long ears of an American Cocker Spaniel. First, during each meal, it must be lifted and secured with a rubber band over the dog's head so that it does not dip into the bowl. Secondly, the ear funnels of the "Americans" accumulate sulfur and dirt very quickly, and the tick simply likes to settle in them. Accordingly, the examination of the ear canal and the cleaning of the ear bandage of representatives of this family should be carried out every few days. You can remove the dirt accumulated in the ear by dropping a little hot vegetable oil inside and wiping the skin with a sponge moistened with hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol solution of boric acid (boric alcohol).
With the eyes of the American Cocker Spaniel, there are fewer problems, but in some individuals, the eyelid may loosely cover the eyeball, which is why dust and debris get on the mucous membrane. In such cases, inflammation is removed by a cooled infusion of chamomile or albumin. The teeth of "Americans" are brushed 1-2 times a week if the animal eats natural food. Dogs that sit on the "drying" procedure are done more often because the solid particles of food do a very good job of removing plaque. Some Cocker Spaniel owners offer to chew on the bones instead of the standard brush. This method, of course, is effective, but it should not be abused, because the teeth of the American bone-chopping rooster quickly wear out.
American Cocker Spaniel grooming
American Cocker Spaniels are meant to be clipped from 1.5 to 2 months old and if you delay in this matter your dog is sure to be very nervous. For local people who are not aimed at the championship, a healthy haircut twice a month will suffice. In this case, the tangles and the area around the anal region of the animal are cut off, the hair is plucked from the ear canal, and the hair on the paws and between the fingers is also removed to keep them clean. Once every three months or before the show, the animal must be taken to a groomer who will use a machine to shorten the hair on the muzzle and butt, allocate the area of the shoulders and chest, trim the hair on the sides, and “smooth” the paws.
Important: The hair on the back of the American Cocker Spaniel is not cut with scissors or scissors. For the treatment of this part of the body, it is preferable to use it smoothly.
The basis of the dog's diet should be meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, seasonal fruits, as well as sea fish (sometimes and only in the form of fillets). Meat is usually served in the morning, and vegetables and dairy products are left in the evening. Once a week, the Cocker Spaniel is given a belly feast, treated with rye crackers (not from the store), egg yolks, or dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dried prunes). As for the bones of the brain, it is best left to small dogs that need a lot of calcium. For "American" adults, this product is no longer very useful. Twice a month, the American Cocker Spaniel's digestive system is "emptied" by putting less than half of its normal daily ration into a bowl.
The Complete Raw Dog Food + 5 Recipes - Raw Dog Food Recipe Guide will help you.
Health and Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel
The most common reasons for "American" owners to go to veterinary clinics are food allergies and ear infections, which often lead to complete deafness of the animal. Among the American infidels there are such diseases:
hereditary atopy
Lever Inflammation;
eyes illnesses;
Hip joint deformities.
How to choose a puppy
First of all, determines the category of the animal and reasonably assesses your financial capabilities. Show-class American Cocker spaniels will cost more not only on purchase but also on keeping (remember about grooming in the salon and constant trips to exhibitions). The sex of the dog is also an important selection criterion. Girls are usually softer and friendlier. They quickly get used to the new place of residence and family members, while the boys can show driving habits. However, when it comes to buying a female that has the right to breed, be prepared for her behavioral tricks during estrus and the usual expenses of mating.
Be serious about examining items such as the dog's breeding reputation, puppy lineage, and living conditions. Visually assesses the appearance of a potential pet: how it meets the breed standard. The naturally grown American cocker spaniel puppy is personable, well-fed, and cheerful. He has a cold, wet nose and pink gums that are always clean under his ponytail. Refuse to buy if you are persistently offered the smallest litter. It is almost certain that the animal will be distinguished by weak immunity and soreness. Babies whose claws and tails that are not docked, are also not some of the most valuable acquisitions.
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