The procedures associated with cleaning a dog's ears and teeth are no different. But usually, there is no need to cut the claws - due to the structure of the paws, they grind well on the ground. The nails on dewclaws require increased attention, especially in winter. The dog's eyes need daily care - they need to be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution.
For Chow Chow feeding, the use of premium dry foods with low fat and protein content would be optimal. It can be a mixture for animals prone to allergies or any other food combination. Even three-month-old babies can be turned into a menu for adult dogs because puppy food is usually saturated with fat, which is not very good for food.
If you cook your food for your pet, you need to make sure that the diet does not contain a lot of fats and carbohydrates. Sea fish and its meat are preferred raw, and cabbage, lettuce, and other leafy crops will bring the most benefit from vegetables. Grains are not welcome except for buckwheat and rice in very small quantities. The tubular bones of birds should be completely excluded. The introduction of a small amount of vegetable oil into the diet contributes to the improvement of the quality of the coat.
As for the diet, it must be remembered that it is better not to feed chow, and the possibility of a constant “snack” between meals should be excluded. In any case, the feeding of dogs of this breed must be carefully monitored. Chow chow is prone to allergic reactions, and any imbalance in the diet, especially an excess of carbohydrates, can lead to undesirable consequences.
Chow Chow dogs are not seen running long distances or hiking long distances. It is better to leave the child off the chain so that he can regulate his physical activity.
Responsibly approach the choice of a collar for your pet. The usual will not work - the hair is erased from it and the appearance of the dog noticeably suffers. The best option is a narrow leather or fabric collar or a special belt.
A dog that is well-groomed and healthy is the best recommendation for you as a skilled and experienced owner!
Chow Chows are healthy dogs. However, many hereditary diseases are most common in representatives of this breed. These include atopic dermatitis, hereditary myopathy, and inversion of the eyelid.
Hereditary myopathy is manifested by a decrease in muscle tone, a violation of the ability of muscles to contract, and their atrophy. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it affects all skeletal muscles. The disease manifests itself in inactivity - the animal wakes up vigorously, movements are restricted, and during walking the dog may fall and not immediately rise, and the hind legs begin to move in "bunny jumps". Often, such problems begin to appear at low air temperatures. If any of these symptoms appear, you should contact your vet immediately. The dog must be kept warm. The disease is dangerous as it can lead to serious complications and even death of the animal.
Atopic dermatitis refers to allergic diseases of a genetic nature. It is accompanied by severe itching and changes in the skin similar to eczema. The main symptoms are almost continuous scratching and licking of the thighs, armpits, and fingers. According to statistics, it occurs in approximately 15% of Chow Chow dogs (females are more likely to get sick). Running dermatitis can cause otitis media. For more effective treatment, the allergen should be identified clinically or by exclusion.
Inversion of the eyelid is manifested in the pathological location of the latter, due to which the eyelashes turn towards the eyeball. The constant friction of eyelash hairs on the cornea of the eye not only leads to constant irritation of the eye, resulting in profuse tearing and purulent secretions, but can lead to ulcerative keratitis, corneal perforation, and even blindness. Treatment is usually surgical, although in puppies it may be enough to turn the edge of the eyelid and secure it with some stitches.
Like most large dogs, Chow Chows are not immune to hip dysplasia. Such a defect can be located at the gene level and is manifested in a predisposition to partial dislocation of this joint. If your cup begins to limp on its hind legs and sways when walking, an X-ray is urgently needed, as clinical tests do not reveal the disease. The sick animal must be limited in movement and protected from stress. Depending on the stage of the disease, various medical and therapeutic methods are used, or surgical intervention is resorted to.
A guarantee against the occurrence of other diseases of dogs can be timely vaccination, control of the nutrition balance, the use of vitamin preparations.
How to choose a puppy
To solve the problem of choosing a puppy, you need to find the answer to some questions.
Who do you want to see by your side - a champion dog, a winner of many exhibitions, or just a pet? A Chow Chow puppy you adopt as a hobby may have deviations from the breed standard (spotted tongue, floppy ears) and even more serious signs of exclusion (narrow chest, underbite, incorrect bite, incorrect tail set). Most often, all of the above has nothing to do with the state of health, but simply a deviation from the outside and perfectly acceptable exclusively for “pets”. Choosing a show puppy is more complicated. In this case, it is better to resort to the help of a specialist or take into account the recommendations of the breeder. It is important to know that it is better to choose a dog of the show category at the age of about 12 weeks when the features of the “pedigree” are most clearly manifested.
girl or boy? Males are more suitable for participation in exhibitions - they have fewer deviations from the breed standard, look more impressive and solid. A girl chow is a great choice as a companion dog. She is more tender, gentle, and sensitive than the male. The attachment to the owner and his family members in the bitch is more straightforward. The negative side of the content is the problems associated with the physiology of the animal.
At what age is it better to carry a child? For a show business, it is best to take a puppy that has grown up to about six months old. At this age, the risks of making mistakes in assessments and predictions for the success of the exhibition career are minimized. You can buy Chow Chow for home at a young age. If there are small children in your house who will undoubtedly see an incredibly interesting game in a dog, then wait until the puppy is 4-5 months old - it will always be easier for him to adapt to unintentional behavior. Young family members.
Chow with long or fine hair? Both and the others are completely equal in terms of authentic qualifications and enter the ring with completely equal rights. Headlines are easy to care for - they have much less hair and do not need daily combing. Many note the more social nature of the soft-coated Chow Chow class.
Where do you take a puppy? The answer is obvious - only in a specialized dropper or from a breeder with a good, time-tested reputation.
What to look for when choosing a Puppy?
The color of the coat on the muzzle, paws, and under the eyes. This is the color your Chow Chow will have when it grows up.
A six-week-old puppy has milk teeth. The mouth, including the palate and tongue, should be blue-black, the tail held high, and the ears fully or partially raised.
Observe the animal, determine its temperament. Cowardly aggressive puppies should be culled by you immediately.
Assess the condition of the baby's eyes: are there any purulent discharges or signs of active lacrimation. Examine the eyelids - one of the typical diseases of the Chow Chow, entropy (eyelid torsion), can appear as early as puppyhood.
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